Eli: The Coat Closet (154)

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Through the scatter of people I was barely able to keep an eye on Julie; she was running as fast as Cinderella. I felt like there wasn't anything I could do anymore, but it was Julie, and I wasn't going to let her go, not even over my dead body.

"Julie!" It was the fiftieth time I had called her name. I was seconds away from reaching the cab door, when I heard, "Go," before the yellow vehicle swiftly drove off into the night.

I looked down at my fancy dress shoes; the soles already muddy from running through puddles. My brain was tired, but my heart spoke out. My legs turned around, running toward my car.

After what felt like eternity, I finally arrived at my expected destination. Julie's light was on. I could see it through the frame of her door. There wasn't much noise, but she was definitely doing something.

I knocked on the door three times, hoping she'd open the door without knowing it was me, but Julie had a sixth sense. "Go away, Eli."

"Jules, please open up," my head was down, my hand holding onto the door. "You forgot your flowers." My fist began to tighten around the train wreck of roses.

It wasn't the first time she had rejected me, but when it comes down to the realness of the situation it hurts like an arrow through my heart. This was tragic, and the worst thoughts courses around my brain.

"I don't want to leave things like this," I tried harder.

"Well, you should have thought of that before," and another arrow shot, perfectly aimed.

"Just please give me another shot," I pushed my body off the door, now vigorously tapping my thigh. I was becoming a little nervous, I couldn't bare the thought of losing her.

"I've given you thousands of shots. Second chance after seconds chance. Why should I give you another one? I'm tired of forgiving, Eli!" The lecture gradually got louder, and all the ruckus that she was making suddenly stopped.

"Why should I give you everything, when you won't give back?" As much as she tried holding it in, I could hear her breaking into tears. I was speechless, and we both stood on the opposite side of her door feeling each other's presence.

"Julie," my voice was soft, "you've given me so much, and I know that I wasn't able to do the same, but don't doubt that I care about you. If you let me in, you won't ever feel like this again," I loosened my shoulders, switching my grasp on the flowers to my other hand.

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I could just imagine the disgusted look she was giving me. Her make-up was probably soaking in her angered tears, her hair tangled from the way she pulled it.

I sighed, knowing there may never be a way to bring her my way anymore. I could hear her footsteps again, slow and heavy.

"Go home. We'll talk about it later," she said, barely over a whisper.

"Now, who's making promises they can't keep." I waited for a reply, but there was none. I stood there for a few minutes before sitting against the wall across her door.

I continuously starred at the door, hoping to God that a miracle would happen. My sandy, blonde hair was beginning to shag, as I pushed my hand through it. My legs were bent at the knees, my arms resting on them. I still had the bunch of flowers firmly gripped in my hand, the stem starting to soak. I swallowed my ego and placed the flowers beside me. My body rose in a quick push, and I knocked on her door once again.

"Julia Nicols, open the door." There was no reply, but a faint sound of walking.

"Jules, please."

"Sweat pea?" The walking stopped, yet again.

"Don't call me that," her voice was hoarse. Even though I had no right to, I was gradually getting frustrated at the fact that she wouldn't open the door. Both my hands pushed through my hair, once again, but this time, I had pulled it and groaned immaturely.

"You're being ridiculous. Sure, I hooked up with that girl. But we were together, were we an item? There no rule against that," I was never really good at English, but I was eager to persuade Julie in any form of defense.

"Fuck you, Eli. You don't get to whore around with someone and then say that we were never really together," she was always better at stating the facts.

"You're right, Julie! You're always right," I was screaming the first three words, but they became fragile after I concluded my thought. "Without you, everything I do is wrong."

I screwed up.

This was it.

There's no going back.



And after a pause that last for most of my emotional life, I sighed, placing the worn flowers in front of her door. "I love you," I smiled, a small amount of liquid falling out of my eyes. "I've been with you for a long time, and by now, I should know that there's no changing Julia Nicols' mind. I'm leaving these flowers here," I said, breathing out.

"Bye," I backed away from the door.

"Bye," I faintly heard.

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