Hospital sluts and junky food

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I awoke to the a faint beeping that seemed to have surrounded the whole room I seemed to be in. Squinting, I gently opened my eyes to find myself lying in a small bed draped in white sheets. Confused, I intended to sit up as I did so, I realized there was a reason why I was in there in the first place. Carefully, I lifted the sheet covering my torso to find a large white square shaped bandage. Broken ribs again. I really got to stay out of those bar fights. Grudgingly I sat up with no complaint. I scanned the room slowly it was very bright, too bright for me. There was two chairs placed next to my small bed. Who could have been visiting me during this. I thought to myself. My mind quickly skipped to memories of her. I shook my head slightly ashamed of my thoughts -

"Mr. Grayson, its nice to have you up."

I shifted my gaze to the skimpy middle aged nurse. She wore a flattering pair of scrubs that revealed a bit of cleavage. confidently, she made her way besides my bed as she carefully sat.
Gripping the sheets I sat up a little more and straightened my back against one of the pillows .
"who are you?" I asked rudely not caring about what she was doing here.

"Im the one thats been taking care of all your needs here at ST. Thomas." She had a smug smirk plastered across her lips as she slowly began to run her hand up my leg.

Confused I pushed her hand away and averted my gaze to her once again as I spoke loudly.
"Why don't you go get my stuff and tell me where my car is, I think Ill make my way home if you don't mind."

Surprised, she nodded  and stood up confidently and brought up a small tray that I didn't notice was there when she walked in. As she walked back over to my side I noticed the many needles inserted into my arm.
She carefully placed the tray of food onto my lap as she uncovered the plate to reveal a skeptical looking chicken and asparagus thrown onto the plate.

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