Chapter 1

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Hermione's P.O.V
Harry, Ron, Ginny, and I are aboard the hogwarts express about to return to hogwarts.
"Granger, Mcgonagall would like to see you." Semus Finnigan said entering our compartment.
"Thanks Semus." I said standing and exiting.
I was walking down the hall when I hit something and almost fell but never made impact.
I opened my eyes to see Theodore Nott.
"Watch where your going next time." He said angrily but it seemed faked.
He walked away so I carried on to Mcgonagalls office.
"Ah, hermione dear please sit I have something very important for you to do. If I could ask someone else I would but you are the student I trust the most." She said.
I nodded for her to continue.
"Well, I need you miss granger to live in the slytherin dormitories because of 3 things I need house unity, to help with pureblooded rudeness, and to finally make peace with everyone and what better way to do that then send a muggleborn from gryfinndor to slytherin territory." She said.
"Okay, I'll do it..."I say.
"Now before you object, wait you said you would do it, why not hesitation." She asked.
"I beleive everyone deserves as second chance, and also I think they've changed." I say remembering my encounter with theo.
"Great you'll move in tonight, I'll walk with you to the slytherin compartments so I can tell them about the plans and how you'll be staying with them the rest of the ride."She said.
"After dinner tonight I want you to meet me in the headmasters office." She said.
"Okay." I reply.
We walked down the hall and when we got to the slytherin compartments I was getting glares from almost all of them but Mcgonagall sat them straight and they stopped.
We get to a compartment and I see my classmates that I've hated for as long as I could remember. There sat Pansy Parkinson, Astoria Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Blaise zabini, and Draco Malfoy.
"Professor." Blaise nodded to her when she opened the door. No one had yet noticed me.
"Ah, well I have some news for all of you. This year hermione granger will be staying with the slytherin house.
"What why." Someone exclaimed.
"Because I need house unity and she will get the job done." She said. I stood beside her now everyone was looking at me except malfoy.
"Well I think it's a great Idea." Astoria said smiling at me.
"Good now I'll leave you all alone and behave." She said in an authority voice.
She left and now I'm being glared at by snakes.
I held into my wand tight in my pocket. Suddenly someone snatched me down and I was sitting on their lap since there was no more room for me to sit. I turned and I was on top of theo.
"Sorry." He said and scooted over so I could sit properly.
"So granger why did you agree to do this." Astoria asked.
"I believe people deserve a second chance." I say starring at malfoy who is starring out the window.
"Well, I don't like the idea of a muggleborn staying in the dorms especially since she's a gryfinndor." Pansy said.
"I don't want to be there as mush as you don't want me but I'm doing what Mcgonagall asked of me so shut your trap and deal with it." I snapped my anger with them catching up with me.
"Oh Fiesty granger." Blaise said.
I rolled my eyes.
The train came to a stop, and we all exited the train with our luggage.
"Mione where did you run off to." Ginny said running up to me.
She froze when she saw who was behind me.
"Mione there's a ferret behind you" she said getting in a fighting stance. Ever since the war ended and freds death Ginny has be on guard.
"I know gin, it's okay I'll explain later." I said.
She glared behind me and walked off.
"Move granger." Malfoy snarled after I stood there for a couple of minutes.
"Malfoy I don't appreciate you being rude to me." I say turning to face me.
"And I don't appreciate you being in my way." He sneered and rammed into my shoulder walking away.
Maybe some people didn't change.

Draco's P.O.V
I can't believe granger has to stay in our common room. I was hoping for a quiet year with only glares from everyone but, no miss know it all has come barging in. Ugh this makes me so angry.
"Drake you okay." Blaise asked when we got to the carriages.
"I'm fine, why." I said.
"You are really red." He said.
"Oh." I said and then our conversation stopped.
When we got to the castle. We all headed to the great Hall getting glares shot at us from everyone.
We sat down at the slytherin table.
Mcgonagall came and started the speech, but I tuned her out. After she finished we began to eat but I just rolled my chicken around on my plate. After losing my appetite because of all the people staring at me.

Hermione's P.O.V
After dinner I went to Mcgonagalls office.
"Professor." I greet when she opens the door.
"Oh hermione we have a situation. The girl dormitories are filled you have to stay in a boy dorm." She said.
I froze a boy dorm.
" which boy dorm." I question.
"Malfoy, zabini, and Nott. They are the only dorm to have room." She said said.
I nodded.
"You'll do it." She said.
"Yes." I say.
"Well let's go." She said.
We walked to the dungeons and under the lake to get to the slytherin house.
Once Mcgonagall said the password we walked in to see the 5 people I hoped of seeing very little this year on the sofas and malfoy looked pretty funny with his feet hanging off the back of the couch and his head hanging of the front his hair going different directions.
"Hey hermione." Astoria said.
I was astonished she said my first name. And it looked like everyone else was pretty astonished too.
Mcgonagall cleared her throat.
"Well, all the girl dorms are full so Miss Granger will be staying in the boys dorm with malfoy, zabini, and nott. So I'll leave you now I have to check the grounds for people out after curfew." Mcgonagall said leaving me standing with five people staring at me.
"Well this is going to be a bloody fantastic year." Malfoy spat with sarcasm dripping from his voice.
I nodded.
"Well it's time to go to sleep so come on granger." Blaise said guiding me to the dorm.
When we got to the dorm I was told which bed was mine. I put my stuff away and put my trunk under my bed.
I got my pajamas. And headed to the bathroom. I changed into a white tank top with navy blue short. I walked out while putting my hair in to a messy bun on the top of my head.
When I walked out all the boys where looking at me or should I say more of my arm.
My mudblood scar.
I put my arm down and crawled into bed.
This is going to be a long year.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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