Red Menace

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March first 2022.
Fucking Chinese! I know it would happen sooner or later but not like this. The fucking embassy explodes sending granite all over the place as a group of PLA operators started to pour out. They shot anyone they saw besides themselves. Lead pounding through the doors of cars. Grenades detonate with a deafining crack as screams of pure terror errupt from the unsuspecting masses in New York and Washington DC. we should have seen it coming when we cut them off until they reformed from their abuses of their people as the president said.   We expected them to be angry but not this shit. This was a whole new level. Chinese soldiers enter a brick building and open fire. One round of 7.62. One round flies through the glass of a window. a small rectangle of the door littered with drawings. The bullet striking through the air faster than one could imagine strikes. A young woman drops to the ground. Children run over to see what happens. "Mrs. Smith!!" they cry in pure terror if want they just witnessed. However their cries are stifled by more shaped lead. little cones rip the air and fly into the mass of children. A joyous face could be seen on a man wearing camoflauge. No Survivors. The cycle repeats room by room as more and more innocent blood is spilled. Nobody ever sees it coming.

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