The Boy From Mars

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It's the year 2210 and man has established colonies on the planet under massive domes called the Domain, after fleeing earth due toxic pollution. At first all seems well until a catastrophic accident releasing the DNA of earths animals into Mars atmosphere and mutating them into fearsome beast. In order to get these monsters under control a special military branch is founded consisting of a group of highly trained soldiers with the latest technology and knowledge tasked with finding and wiping out the mutants...

Amelia scribbled desperately, trying to get the final pages of her studies done before lights out, then realising that it just wasn't happening she angrily threw the 9000 word essay aside and scrambled in the shower. She had 10 minutes to shower and get ready for bed before all power in the house cutout.
"Damn it" she mumbled to her self. Stress was the one thing she couldn't handle she stepped into the gel shower and rubbed it into her skin than waited 50 second for it to do it's job then began to slide down her toned and muscled body, she then turned on the iwater than dried off. After getting out of the shower she looked in the full length mirror in her underwear and gazed at the scars that crisscrossed her arms and torso.
They will pay she vowed anything or anyone outside of the Domain deserved nothing less than encapsulation (the futures answer to incarceration where criminals are locked in capsules the size of modern day prison cells and left floating in orbit with enough food to last the duration of their sentence) after dressing she quickly switched her scouts collective iPad on, then and checked on the others. Amelia was a lone wolf and suspected all the others in her team thought of her has antisocial but really she just didn't know how to talk to people,at least that's what she told herself but deep down she didn't know to trust,after what happened to her parents trust was an inconceivable notion. Apparently Kit the team leader had gone to bed over an hour ago. She sighed even though she one the highest ranking, cadets everyone else seemed to be so much more organised. Then suddenly the power went out. She crawled into bed cursing her luck.
The next morning she woke early logged onto the team chat and updated, then began to to wonder if anyone else was actually awake. Well anyways this gives me tons of time to get ready she thought.
The year was 4060 and many years ago planet earth, the birth planet of man kind and most of the mammals that now live on Mars had, become a toxic waste the very air causing air extremely aggressive cancer and birth defects, it soon became apparent the planet was trying to eradicate the disease that humans had become we couldn't coexist anymore, man had long turned his back on the earth and earth was finally getting payback. At first glance it looked like earth was sinking and we were going down with it but then a sudden breakthrough in science,technology and space travel open the door for a second chance that we properly didn't deserve. We abandoned ship we left the planet to rot in poison that we soaked it in. At first it was everyone wanted out people wanted to point fingers as if if that would make things better there were trust issues people thought "if you couldn't take care of the last one who are you to tell what to do and how to live on this one". There was chaos was leaving earth the right thing to do how can we live on this one. People had been left behind did the government care about us were they abandoning us and leaving us on our own like the people they left to die on earth. Were we alone . eventually order was established the Domain grew people moved on and peace was restored there were laws passed,laws to make certain that the same thing would never happen again that man would never live in terror of his own planet and this time the government would really protect the people that was before the crash. There was no life on earth and, if there was then it was probably disfigured and changed beyond recognition, and so before the great migration scientist had taken thousands of embryos and DNA samples from animals filling space ship after space ship with them then the shipment crashed on the surface in the middle of nowhere. It was left for years it was believed that all of the cargo would have been destroyed and seen has the ship was unmanned there was no reason to go out to the wreckage. But the samples had mutated with the with the bacteria and small lifeforms on Mars and slowly grew getting stronger the animals instincts soon realised themselves. First there were sightings of small creatures then animals then beast and finally monsters. They had evolved. At first scientists were baffled then it became obvious the wild insatiable desire to live got this far and it hadn't changed all. In the early stages of mutation the predators attacked the prey and then has they began to take form there predatory instincts completely changed them into unthinking monsters.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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