part 1

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"Hi I'm Kourtney" I said to my mirror

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"Hi I'm Kourtney" I said to my mirror. UH!!!! Why is this so hard. I need to finish packing. I finish packing and walk down stairs and put my stuff in the trunk of my Mercedes Benz  Convertible. I said bye to my mom and left for the "camp". This was my sisters first car and now its mine.

I pull up to Maddie's house, she gets in, and we put on the radio. We have a couple hour drive there and I can't wait. I need gas so we stop at a gas station and we get our gas. I got a sprite and she got a water. "How do you drink those all the time and stay so thin. I couldn't do that even in my dreams" she said. I shrug my shoulders and pay for them.

" You could if you wanted it hard enough but oh well" I say. We got in the car and left. We were there after short conversations and bad singing and dancing. We used to come here for summer camp. This is where we met. It was fun. We used to make crafts and play outside. The day we became really good friends we were eight and we were eating lunch with Bailey and Carson. I went to open my sprite and it went all over her. It was funny.

" We're here" I squealed as I parked the car. We got out and grabbed our bags. We walked to the front desk to get our keys. We got different rooms but there both on the same floor. Its kinda like a boarding school. You go and stay for like two or three months. We go to the elevator and press the button. We are on the eighth floor on the girls side and there are about six rooms on the entire floor so our room is huge. Her boyfriend ,Andrew, will be coming so she will have someone to hang out with when I go to my dads for a week.

Bailey and Carson would be here but they're visiting there boyfriends ,Jacob and Johnothan. Speaking of Jacob and Johnothan they have these classes for four year olds. That's where we met and we were instantly best friends. It sounds weird but it's the truth. Jacob was cuter back then." I love this place and never want to leave" I hear Maddie say. 

" Come on Maddie lets go explore before class" I said. We got in the elevator and it spun. Literally you could spin the walls. It was cool. It stopped and we were on the fourth floor. It's like a food court in a mall. You know how they have the little stands. We went and got fried oreo's. We saw these hot guys that kept looking at us.

We walked to where the class is supposed to be and we saw Andrew. He's honestly really cute but he really likes Maddie. I like that he likes her because she says she cant get guys and no one likes her. He proved her wrong. She went to hang out with him so I went and sat by a bunch of four year olds. I taught them how to make hang turkeys. I want to say I did the best but the truth is mine was definitely the worst.

This little girl named Tiffany did the best. She's really adorable. Class ended and I went to walk around because I don't want to be stuck in the room for to long. I see one of those guys looking at me and decide to walk up to him.

" Hi" I said and waved my hand. He's attractive. Well they both are but ya know. I observe what he's wearing. He's wearing jeans and a grey shirt and white vans. "Damn Daniel" I said and giggled my usual giggle and then snorted.

"haha. And hi I'm Caleb. I saw you and your friend earlier and then when she wasn't with you I got confused" he said. The same thing happened to me when I saw him without his. But oh well. My phone started ringing and I answered after excusing myself.

"Hello" I said and heard breathing but no one talking." mom!" I said louder. Then I heard a moan and hung up. ew ew ew ew eewwwwwww! I repeated in my head. I walk back over to Caleb and he looked like he saw a ghost. We are the only two people in the room so it's quiet." What?" I say scared theres something wrong with me.

" I heard that. Oh my god your mom called while she was fucking your dad!" he said and busted into laughter. I just bow my head and a tear slips." Oh god what did I do" he said and put his hand under my chin then wipes away my tear. He's sweet but I just met him.

" Hey. where's your friend" I say snapping back to reality. He looked confused as hell. I giggle a little at his face. It's a funny face okay? okay. (A/N: sorry I had to. it was the moment)" The guy you where with. Where's he?" I say/ask. He laughs as if I made the funniest joke ever." What" I said and he wipes away the tear that came out when he was calming himself down from his laugh fit.

" He's my brother" he says and I feel my face heat up and I hide it in my hair." Hey I was wondering something" he said. I moved my hand encouraging him to continue." Why is your butt so plump and squeezable" he said and chuckled a little.   I slapped the bitch across the face and ran to the elevator. Thank god it closed before he could get here.

The last thing I saw was how taken back he was by that. I wonder if he was joking. " She say I'm dawg but it takes one to kno one" I hear and answer my phone because I know it's Bailey." Hello" I said. nothing. She probably butt dialed me. I get to my room and walk in." GET THE FUCK OUT!!"



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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