Chapter 15

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(my chapters count down btw)

"And then the dragon's breath destroyed the evil king!" Remus let out a giggle as his mother tickled his tum. She laughed, her eyes crinkled, leaving lines when her face relaxed. She held her son, it was only them now. She could only hope for a better future for her son, Remus knew that now as he looked back on the memory of the woman who had taught him joy and happiness beside his circumstances. He remembered the sound of her laugh, like the ring of church bells. Pure and harmonic. He'd wished to have had more time with her, but he had learned time was not a dear friend as it used to have been. He was now a young lad, aged in his prime and working in the town located closest to his village. As matter of fact, he was just on his way.

With his goatskin satchel hitting against his side as he made his way up the curving dirt roads, he could see Afon not too far from the hillside. He took a moment to admire the honey color of the sunrise, brushing the light across the fields of wheat and other crops. It all seemed to have some sort of gold aura to it, leaving Remus in awe. He was hesitant to leave where he had stood, but one foot started to move in front of the other and his day was resumed. His long, lanky legs carried him down into the riveting town of Afon, located just beside the river that marked the end of the kingdom on the other side in rival territory. No one dared to cross the river, not after the war that left many soldiers dead and women widowed. Including Remus's mother. He could barely recall his years before that war, when as a child, everyone tempted to cross to prove some sort of strength and determination. All he connected that river with now was choking on the tides and fish tickling his toes.

The water now is just a mere reflection of the tallest buildings in Afon (which aren't really that tall anyway), but everyone is bustling about with their usual business, including Peter, who was really in everyone's business except his own. Remus's business to be exact. They were good friends, grew up and played games of adventure and exploration, and now they had aged and the connection between them was still tightly intact. Remus wasn't too sure if that had been a good thing or not, he was still debating on that. Although they had made a promise as children, to always be by each other's side, they considered each other as brothers. He appreciated Peter, and he knew he was glad he had him by his side. He could always count on him. Well most of the time, and speak of the devil. It seemed as if Peter always knew when someone was thinking about him, because he would show up the strangest moments. Like now, when Remus accidentally locked the door, thinking it needed to be unlocked.

"Good day to ye, Remmy." Peter grinned, clasping a hand on the taller boy's shoulder. His apple red cheeks were full of color, always tinting the fair skin on his face. He still had some jam on the corner of his mouth, probably from breakfast, but that was normal for Peter. The boy was a pig.

"You as well, Pete.." Remus smiled back feebly, shrugging him off before pulling out the key again. Peter rambled on until his boss scolded him for being late and he scurried off, leaving Remus with much relief. A satisfying click and the door swung open, Remus unhatched the windows to clear out the smell of dust. He happened to work as an apprentice for the local physician at the apothecary. His mother once worked here, and he spent a lot of time learning from the older man, who went by the name of Gus. He'd offered the job to him a few years after his mother's death. He didn't complain though, ever, due to the fact that it paid well and he enjoyed having to do side magic. Despite it being outlawed in their kingdom. Ever since he had been a child, it was in fact what started the war. Gwent, the kingdom Remus belongs, was enraged by witches and wizards. Agnor, the sister country, now the enemy, tried to reason, but everything went to hell. That's all anyone really needs to know.

Remus only wished he didn't have to hide his power, but if he could use it at all, it was more than fine with him. All he really did was make potions that the muggles thought were medicine. In a sense they were, but they held magical herbs and incredible healing capabilities. The muggles didn't have to know though. The sound of clanking behind the counter attracted the curious boy's attention, he took careful steps before leaning over just enough to see the old man scrambling through bottles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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