Chapter One: Meeting a boy in green

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You walked around the Faron Woods, trying to pick up a scent of one of the Kikwis. You rose you nose up into the air, trying to find a leafy, nature like smell...but for some smelt something a little more different. dark essence that made you want to vomit. You smelt it again. You hoped it wasn't those Bokoblins that you kept seeing. You tracked it find a boy clothed in green, slaying two of the Bokoblins that was harming one of your friends, Machi.

You obviously didn't trust the boy, thinking he was a threat to the forest.

"KWOO! They come in green! I didn't know they come in green!" Machi squealed and sprinted up a hill. This set you off and you attacked the boy, teeth bared and your claws extended. The boy saw you and raised his sheild and deflected your attack. You turned human as you brought out your weapon, which was a forest scythe. The pole was a glossy silver with green thorns and the scythe itself with a bright green with leaf patterns on it. You charged at the boy with full speed.

"Fi! Give me some info on the, woah!" The boy exclaimed as he dodged you attack, "Give me some info on the girl!"

"The only info I got for your death!!" You shouted. You struck your scythe down toward the boy...but his sword interlocked with it. The blade glowed a bright blue and...this thing...came out from it! It was purple on one side and blue on the other. Her face was completely blue.

"Do not master and I are not your enemies." The figure said, "I am Fi and this is my master, Link. We did not mean to trigger your defense instincts."

"Defense? Fi, what are you talking about?" The boy, 'Link', said, "She attacked us!"

" my calculations, the percentage of this being a purposeful attack is only 3%. She was defending the little creature known as a Kikwi." Fi explained, "I must apologize for the trigger in your instincts. Can you tell us your name?"

"(Y/N)...(Y/N) (L/N)...what are you doing here in Faron, boy?" You snarled.

"It's Link...I'm trying to find a blond girl. Her name is Zelda. Have you seen her by any chance?" Link asked with much worry in his voice.

"Now that I think about it..." you say before you smelt that wretched dark, essence again. "I'm sorry...but I must take my leave." You say as you turned into a dragon again.

"Hey, wait!" Link said.

"Look, Link, I keep getting this strange scent in the forest. It smells nothing like who you are looking for. It's if you excuse me, I have a little village to defend!" You growled as you took off into the blue sky.

Soon after you were out of sight of that green clothed boy, you were shot down by something. It went straight through the right wing and boy was it painful. You crash landed in front of the Skyview Temple, the number one place that you were afraid of the most. You looked at the place with wide eyes, filled with fear. You got up from the rough landing, feeling sore all over. But you went unconcess afterward from the pain.

It wasn't long after someone woke you up. It was Link, that boy from before.

"Oh, it's you again..." you grumbled.

"I saved some of the Kikwis...they asked me where you were. I thought you got there by now but I guess you were shot down." Link said.

"Wait...where are they now?" You said quickly, getting up.

"They are still in the forest right now. There were monsters there already, but I took care of them for you...Oh, no...your wing!" Link exclaimed. He brought up a bottle with a Fairy  inside of it. Link removed the cork with a pop and the Fairy rushed out to my aid. It circled around the hole in my wing and in no time at all, it was all healed.

"Wow...thanks, Link!" You say with your voice filled with gratitude.

" problem..." Link replied.

That dark scent attacked your nose again, but much stronger than before. You nearly barfed on how bad this scent was. "That's even worse when I'm here!" You say.

"The dark scent that you were talking about from before?" Link asked

"Yes!" You exclaimed.

Fi came out from the sword again, "Master Link, by the sounds on what (Y/N) is saying, there is a great evil from the inside of this structure in front of us. The scent is interfering with her sense of smell, causing us to lose track of Zelda. This may be a large setback to our quest. But I would like to introduce you a new ability, called Dowsing."

(Time skip)

"Seems easy enough!" Link said.

"I'm afraid that (Y/N) will not be able to join us, considering her state of health right now." Fi said.

"Fi...I'm wing is healed and it's just the smell that's making me feel sick to my stomach." You protested.

"That is why you cannot join us in this mission, (Y/N). Your smell isn't strong enough to be in any help in this situation. But you may go back to your village to defend it." Fi said calmly.

Your ruff flared for a second, offended. But you did as you were told without a word as you took flight again. The last thing you heard was Link saying, "That was a little bit harsh, Fi."

"My apologies, Master Link."

"'My apologies' my tail..." you snarled to yourself. But soon you were knocked out with a sleeping dart to the back of the head, a critical spot. This knocked you out instantly. The last thing you saw...was a white man with a red and yellow cloak.

"Hmmm...she seems good enough...get her to my castle!"

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