The Thytra

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 I can vividly remember that night, out in the forest, the fog surrounding me as I strolled warily along the dirt track towards my cottage. I can almost feel the bitter cold that suddenly hit me, I felt something, and I couldn’t tell what it was. Until I saw it there, right in front of me, its harsh presence manifesting within my soul. I saw a humanlike figure with bloodshot eyes, but the blood was a dark green. Along the centre of his hand, a scar ran, with a dark hole in the centre, like a pitch black abyss into the realms of the worst kind of evils. Suddenly a harsh wind arose around me and circled the spot, ‘till suddenly the air hardened into a curved jagged blade dripping with crimson blood, the metal was as black as night.

It approached me but I felt petrified, I could see by his unnatural smile that it was feeding on my fear. Suddenly the eyes turned into a glowing green all over as the cold blade pierced my flesh. Right between my ribs I felt the dagger scratch the edge of my heart and then I blanked out, a few minutes after I awoke and the figure was gone, there was no sign of a stab wound, but I could feel a thick cold substance coursing though my veins, I figured that I just fell asleep in the cold after a long tiresome day and had a terrible nightmare. So I ran home in the cold and the dark to my cottage near the edge of the forest. And though I still felt the fear, I fell on my bed and slept.

 The next morning I got up and got dressed, but when I looked in the mirror before brushing my teeth, I saw the same green bloodshot eyes as the ones in the forest, I looked down at my hands and saw the scar, dripping with thick, dark green blood with a hole in the middle, I freaked out I called in sick for work and started to run around, I felt an unnatural urge to exercise, my blood pulsing rapidly through my veins, painfully agonizing feelings within my body causing an even worse hallucination of worldwide chaos. I felt like I was going through the transformation from Dr. Henry Jekyll to Edward Hyde.

 I ran out the front door in fury and blinding rage, my mind turned corrupt with images of dead bodies strewn about across the forest floor and a strange energy bursting from the carcasses. My thoughts turned from fury and rage to greed and lust for death. I paced slowly as I focused my thoughts on what to do, when I suddenly saw a man walking with his dog, the dog whimpered and fled away as I drew closer, the man stood confused as I stood close behind, I breathed out allowing the chill to run down his spine, he stood back in fear.

I raised my hands and put them out face up in front of me, then suddenly the hole drew in the air around me and, with the mans fear, I wished up a long dark blade and swiftly drew closer, I smiled a cold relentless grin and I slashed my shadow cutlass across his neck, I could feel a strange energy go through my bones and then I saw a green glow in the reflection of his eyes as he fell to the ground, I knelt down beside the corpse and withdrew it’s soul into the pit of my hand. I stood up, content with my actions, and carried on through the woods.

My mind, packed with adrenaline, raced through thoughts of gore and murder most foul. I saw her standing there, a young woman, clearly lost and in her mid 20's, "how young" I thought as I paced slowly behind, bloody dagger still in hand. She turned at me, shocked, paralysed even. I saw silent tears drip slowly from her eyes and smiled a rather empty, cold smile. she looked around and tried to run, "how foolish" I thought. she was fast, but not fast enough. I darted through the woods compelled by thoughts of horror to come, the crimson blood slowly running down her skin.

she looked back to see if i was gone, butran into a tree and fell. I soon caught up. she tried to get up, but to no effect. I held out my hand to help her get up, she was confused, as was I. I was not sure what was happening, I was there helping her up off the ground. my mind became clear, for a moment, suddenly as if from nothing. I Got angry again, I felt the thick liquid course through my veins and then I ran the cold curved blade through her stomach, the blood came first followed by bile and stomach acid, she was still alive.

as she forced out a high pitched scream, the wind, as if controlled by me managed to bend the stomach acids into the air. It fell across her face scalding her in seconds splattered all over. but she was still living. I, blinded with hatred placed my bare hand on her face and clenched my hand. I heard the bones in her face crack and then silence. her soul tried desperately to escape but I breathed it in to my hand. Suddenly ecstasy, I finally killed her after she resisted. my cutlass disappeared from my grip. I walked, covered in offal, back to my cottage as I realised it was midday and people would soon show up.

I put my clothes into my fireplace, I saw the blood boil on my clothes. suddenly I felt regret, I realised that I could have let her go, I could have let her pass. I think, maybe I just kill, I cant turn back so I must accept it. I then heard a sudden scream, and someone cried "murder!, here before me lies a body! someone please help", I wore gloves over my hands incase and checked the mirror, my eyes were back to the regular brown colour. I ran outside to look normal, I said "hold on, what's going on!" I saw an old woman with her dog, the poor little mongrel whimpered as it saw me.

I went to the woman and looked at the corpse, I didnt recognise the body, I knew I didn't kill it. until I saw the hands. Just like mine, this was the creature that struck me, it must have died as it infected me, I looked and saw a dagger I picked it up and showed the old woman, asking her if she knew what it meant, obviously knowing. she said after doing the sign of the cross "That is the thytra blade, a metal blade that belongs to a terrible creature, Where did you find that?!" I briefly replied " I found it on the ground aside the body"

 The old woman stood up suddenly and gasped in fear. She checked the hands and fell backa couple of steps, she whispered "we are in terrible danger, the beast within has taken over another, faster and stronger than before, this was the Thytra. This, brutal creature will kill without conscience, and it will only die once it chooses to pass on it's curse to a younger, fitter human, it may be with us as we speak, lurking in the shadows, watching, waiting..." she stopped and walked off without a word, calling for her mongerel.

I watched her walk off, I felt sorry for her, she obviously had no clue she was standing next to her worst nightmare. I went to the cottage and as I accepted that I was going to kill regardless of my conscience, I thought that it was fitting that I hide my Identity, because while I wasn't killing, I was still in some way human, I couldnt afford to lose friends. So I got an old black towel and cut it to make an opera cape, I fasioned a holster for my dagger out of an old, black leather boot that I grew out of. I grabbed a fedora and draped a black cloth in front of my face with holes for my eyes.

I tried it on, and felt odd, I looked like zorro. I walked about my house, my cape just short of touching the ground. I felt that this was very dramatic, me parading about my home in a homemade suit which I would use to kill. I was still sad that I was going to terrorize Innocents, I needed to rest, to think...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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