I was extremely exited (like every year) to be waking up on Christmas Eve and already smelling the food cooking. I lay in my bed for a moment just thinking about all the yummy food that lies ahead. Ham, mashed potatoes ,baked Potatoes, biscuits, gravy, cranberries,apple pie and just about every thing else you can think of. I opened the blinds which awoke my dog pebbles. She's a black and white shi-tzu who I love to death.She scratched at my bedroom door so I decided to go down stairs with her.
I got down stairs to see my dad sitting on the living room couch watching a hunting show on t.v. "Good morning"! I said cheerfully. I loved Christmas so much I could not not be happy right now. "Morning Kelly. Why don't you take the dog outside to go to the bathroom and while your at it pour me another cup of tea please." "Ok" I said is I grabbed his cup. As soon as I entered the kitchen I saw my mom making her famous chicken casserole. "Good morning honey" she said while shredding chicken. "Mornin mom," i said as a ran past the kitchen table and into the family room. I let pebbles outside and gave her fresh water and kibble. I ran back into the kitchen and filled my dads Cup with tea as hot as the sun. I ran past the dinning room and back into the living room to give my dad his tea. I sat down neat to him and watched for about 15 minutes. He went to go get a shower so