In Between Two Worlds

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“If I could escape I would but,

First of all, let me say

I must apologize for acting stank & treating you this way

Cause I've been acting…”

There I was jamming to my favorite station on pandora. I was deep into the music, singing along and bobbing my head. Everything else was forgotten, and then someone bumps into me, making me stumble a bit, (a lot, how embarrassing). My phone falls and my purse, revealing everything inside.  I turn my head to tell this person off, because I was livid.

My morning was already bad. The alarm clock didn’t go off this morning, so I had to rush and get ready for work. A place which I dread going to. I’m underpaid, unappreciated, and my boss has pervert written across his forehead.  If only my alarm not going off was the only thing that happened to me it would have been an okay day.

While leaving the apartment, I notice a red note taped to the door. You have got to be kidding me, they are raising the rent. They are raising the rent on an apartment building where it really didn’t matter if you locked your door or not, because if the thieves wanted something, it wouldn’t be hard break down the thin door, despite my four locks. The place, where the actions in the neighborhood are always the top stories on the local news. Where am I going to get an extra 200 dollars? I barely can afford the rent now, and I am already working double shifts.

So believe me, I was not pleased when someone bumped into me at the coffee house, taking me and Gwen away from our escape.  I turn around to tell them exactly how I felt. My eyes meet with the most handsome man I have ever seen.

“Excuse me, are you okay?” He asks handing me my purse. He was about 6’3”, chocolate brown eyes, and those muscular arms, that were begging me to release them from the confinements of his shirt. Maybe I was at a loss for words or still too busy checking him out. So he asks again if I was okay.

“Maybe you should sit down, you look a bit dazed.”he said.  I was. 

“No, I’m fine.” And so are you.

“Sorry about that again, I’m Eric by the way.”

“Alicia” I say taking his extended hand to shake.

“Let me buy you a cup coffee.”

I was smiling the entire rest of the way to work. Although I knew I should have been trying to get to work as soon as possible I easily strolled down the road. What’s the point, I already called in and the Mr. Striver is already going to doc my pay. I might well enjoy the green tea. I did not have enough time to make it at home as I usually did, but I needed something. So the overpriced green tea from Starbucks would have to do.

“Is that her, Mike?” Carter asked taping the other guy on the shoulder.

“Yes, the boss has had me watching her for about 7 months, since when she moved to the new place.” He said while glaring at Eric, who’s flirting with the witch, across the street.

“Is she showing any signs yet of gaining her powers?” Carter asked as he watched Alicia through the front windows of the car.  They had parked across the street from the Starbucks, but still hidden.

“Not that I have seen, but I haven’t been up to her up close and personal with her, Maybe Eric will have better luck.” Mike says while starting the car, so they could follow her from a distance. He didn’t understand why the Boss sent in Eric to “help” him out with his project. He has been working on this project for the last seven months and when he finally had a lead, the Boss sends in Almighty Eric to get the job done right. You make one mistake in a thousand years, and all of a sudden you’re incompetent. But I’ll show them especially that Eric.


“Did you see his abs?” Yvette asks, completely ignoring the customer at the register.

“How could I and we were in a Starbucks, and I don’t really know the guy, that would have been weird.” The customer at the register clearly didn’t mind having to wait until our conversation was finished Probably because he had a good view her chest. Our uniform at the dinner consist of a button down blouse and long, flowy traditional dinner style skirts. The uniform given to us after we got hired was conveniently too small, which is why never I never wore mine. Apparently it gets you great tips. Well, that’s what the older waitresses say.

“Did you get his number?” I shake my head no." Did you give him your number?” Negative again. “Have I taught you anything?”  She tsks at me like I’m a bad child or she’s disappointed, probably both.

 My friend Yvette is what you would call eccentric, but please don’t ever try telling her that.  She is 5’3”, six inches shorter then my 5’9” frame.  Curves that I would be jealous of if I didn’t have my own, a caramel complexion, and long red hair. I don’t know what inspired her to get the Rihanna look but she pulls it off, personality included.

“That’s okay we are going out tonight and there’s more fish in the bucket.” She has the knack for taking old sayings and twisting them up.

 “We are going out tonight.” She states again with emphasis after seeing the expression I had.

“Lets talk about it on break, I have tables to wait.” I take off after spotting the new customers being seated in my section, by the hostess. I also spotted the boss come from the back where the office is. I don’t need another reason for him to doc my pay.

“Hi my name is Alicia and I will be your waitress, can I start you off by getting you something to drink.” Not even looking up from my pad I had the lines already remembered. 

“I’ll take a Dr. Pepper and some hot wings.” The first guy responds. The sound of his voice startled me, I had to look up. His facial expressions did nothing to ease my chills. I couldn’t fathom why I was shaken up, he was good lucking guy, and he didn’t have a face that showed he should be someone you are scared of. Almost the complete opposite with his youthful looks but, my hands are shaking, and I was out right staring.

“Hello, is there any one home?” The other guy at the table waved his hands in front of my eyes, snapping me out of my temporary lapse.

“Sorry, yes what can I get for you?” I ask feeling completely uncomfortable.

“I’ll have the same but make it a coke instead.” I take the orders back to the kitchen.

 “You think she had a vision or something?” Carter wonders out loud as he leans back into the booth.

“No, witches need physical contact, to get a vision, but her powers must be starting to show. She had a strong reaction to you, just by the sound of your voice.” Mike says, looking at the person in question.

“It won’t be long before the Boss wants us to bring her in.”

“When that time comes, she will be clueless, and easy for the taking.” Mike says just before their waitress comes back with their orders.

In Between Two WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now