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"YOU CANT DO DIS. IM SO RICH THAT I COULD BUY YO MOM." He flew out of the car but was tackled by one two pound dog and fell to the ground. "FUCK YOU DO YOU KNOW WHO I EM."
"Yes and that's why you are being arrested dumb ass." The dog dragged him back to the car and threw him in forcefully.

"FUCK YYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUU" Donald would not shut the fuck up, so the cop punched his orange ass.
"GET REKT M8!1!!!!111!!!!1" The police officer shouted as he drove away.

•~~^Later in Jail^~~•

Fuck this shit. Donald thought to himself. Just then his ex wife was thrown in the same cell as him.

"THATS WHAT YA GET BITCH." He yelled at his ex, but, he noticed something shiny in her pocket.
"WAiT, iS THAT THE..."
"YES IT IS AND YOU AINT GETTIN IT, YA SHIT HEAD." She said quite loudly. "GiVE IT BITCH!!" Dinald tackled her. The cops didn't care that much and just watched.

"GET THE FUCK OFF, YOU AINT GETTIN IT!!" She rolled out the window and fucked a duck.

To be continued cuz Im to lazy to finish this chapter.~^•^~

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