Chapter 1

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Window Boy Chapter 1


Sleep. It's never come easy to me. It's like a chore, a chore that can never seem to be fulfilled. My life is a torn mess, I don't know who or what I am. It's almost like I just don't function anymore. I don't feel anything. No one knows, no one cares. That's why I sneak out each and every night, not being able to keep up with the endless thoughts running wild around my head whilst I stare at my white popcorn ceiling. I need to be uncovered and become exposed but it's a secret. My secret. I need help, but I don't. I can figure this out, but I can't.

So I sit here, staring at the open window here in my room every night, waiting until everyone in my family is safe and sleeping soundly. Then I go, I escape from this monster chasing me around every bend. The thing is I still haven't figured out what this 'monster' is. Slipping my white converse on, I step out of my open window down to the roof. Then from the roof to the willow tree standing tall and sturdy on the sprawling front lawn. Now I'm free. I roam the streets of Perth, camera in hand just in case I manage to see something that catches my tired blue eyes. I usually roam for three hours every night, not willing to go back to being trapped in a bed I haven't slept in for over a year. There is this bookstore I love to go to though, it's gorgeous. It feels like home. Probably because the owner Leila has talked me trough the past year and a half. Leila is my best friend, she listens to me. Attached to the bookstore is a small bakery owned by her. It's never open though, she says that when she finds someone who has a true passion for baking and art then she will hand over the keys. I wonder when or who those keys will be handed to... I do hope that it's sometime in the near future though. Leila let's me take pictures of new books that come in. She is a huge fan of my photography, she herself has taught me some strategies and told me a tip or two. I love Leila so much, I don't know what I would do without her. She's like a second mother.

When the time reaches 4:00am, I head home, walking through the still silent streets and sit on my lawn watching the sunrise. If only I had someone to watch the sunrise with me, that would be so amazing. So amazing. Sunrise is my favourite thing to photograph, though everyone questions me on how I have so many unique pictures of the sunrise. What they don't realize is that they are missing out on life. Many people believe life takes place only during the day but I personally think that you are most alive in the early hours of the morning. It's under-appreciated.
When sunrise turns into daylight, I climb back up the willow tree, to the roof then to my bedroom. I get ready for school, head downstairs, grab an apple for breakfast then off to school my siblings and I go. Over and over and over again. The boring cycle of life.

Marcus is my best friend, though he doesn't know my story. Everyone's favourite questions to ask are always "Troye, why do you always look so tired?" "Why are you so pale Troye, don't you go outside?" I look tired because I don't sleep. I'm place because I don't sleep, yes I go outside when I actually have the energy to. It needs to stop. It cant stop. I can't, I can't. I can't.
Marcus is the sweetest though, he takes me out for ice cream, pizza you name it. Drama class is much more fun with Marcus at my side as well, seeing he is probably the most dramatic person I have literally ever met. I love him so much, he probably doesn't realize it though. His boyfriend Tyler is so cute as well, they are truly goals. Tyler is so dramatic as well, it amazes me how well their personalities match. Marcus came out to me a couple of years back, and it hasn't changed a thing. I've never gave my sexuality much thought though, it's actually quite scary to think about it. It's a life changing topic and I don't think I can deal with life changing topics at the moment. As far as I know, I'm straight. Though I've never had any attraction to anyone or anything other than pizza, nutella, cake or just food in general. I shook my head and started giggling at the thought and Marcus noticed immediately. "What's so funny Troye boy?" Marcus said starting to giggle along. "I think I'm food sexual Markie" I said trying to calm myself down, but it didn't work what so ever. "I think you're food sexual as well to be quite honest with you" Marcus stated, tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. "We're fucked" I giggled out. "True" Marcus said, wiping his eyes and smiling largely. I smiled back, in a better mood than I had been in the past year and a half. "Wow Troye, I actually don't remember the last time you just started laughing like that" Marcus said, looking at the sushi menu. "Hi there, I'm Patrick. I will be your waiter for today. Is there anything I can get you two gentlemen?" The wait-Patrick said. "His eyes were so pretty and green..." I thought to myself, getting lost further in his gorgeous eyes. Then I felt a kick. "OUCH!" I yelped, "Marcus, what the bloody hell?!" I asked Marcus who was smirking at me. "I'll take a coke for now please" Marcus said smiling at Patrick. "Alright! How about you sir?" Patrick asked me. "Oh, uh. I'll take a sprite please?" I said, coming about as a question. "Sure thing. I'll be back in just a minute." I glared at Marcus. He just giggled to himself quietly, keeping eye contact with me the whole time. "Your insane" I said, shaking my head at Marcus.


Hi guys! It me, Alyssa and this is my new tronnor fan fiction "Window Boy" !!!
I'm so so so excited about it! I will continue updating my other books as well, don't worrrrryyyyy! I haven't written in so long, so I'm sorry if this is crap. Anyways, I hope you are all well and I promise to see you all soon!
Bye for nowwww!

-Alyssa xxxy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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