Poor Matthew

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Matthew sighed as he walked down the bustling streets on his way home. He was sick and tired of always being ignored and forgotten. Was a little bit of recognition too much to ask for? Once in a while a person would bump into him unknowingly and say a quick "sorry", but that was rare. Even his own brother forgets who he is once in a while. 'I might as well be a damn ghost' The Canadian thought to himself.

As he turned a corner, a blur of brown suddenly hit him square in the chest. Matthew caught it as he took a step back in shock. When he looked up, a kid that looked probably 8 years old ran up to him. Matthew felt his heart lift at the thought of someone finally noticing him, even if it was just a child.


"Thanks for catching my ball!" The white haired child said to him.

"Oh, its no problem" Matthew said as he stretched his arm out to give the football back.

"Wooow Gilbert! How are you making the football fly?!" Another child with green eyes and curly brown hair said as he walked next to Gilbert, looking at the football in awe. 'Am I really that transparent?!' Matthew thought as he looked at the child in annoyance.

"But i'm not-" Gilbert began. But then he stopped and thought for a second.

"Actually, I know magic! Now bow down to the awesome me before I chop your head off!" Gilbert yelled.

"Ohh, yes master Gilbert" The child said as he lowered himself on one knee and bowed his head down.

Gilbert looked to Matthew and whispered "And you are going to work for me and help me rule everyone in the world!" The child said gleefully.

"...But not after 8 pm. Because I have to return home before it gets really dark." Gilbert added

Matthew sighed, but smiled warmly. "Sure, why not."

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