(y/n) got out of her bed and headed to the kitchen, she took out a cold (y/f) pop and walked over to her coach and flopped down. She picked up the remote to turn on the tv and turned it the news. "This is Vicki Vale reporting live at the Bank of Gotham where the villian, Two-Face was stealing Gotham's money. He turned up tied to one the gargoyles of the top bank. Police say that the Dynamic Duo, Batman and Robin took him and his goons out. There was also some security footage." The other reporter cut Vicki off."Thats all the time we have, thank you Vicki," the news caster said. (y/n) watched the tv for a while then got up to go back to bed when someone knocked on her door she looked at her phone and walked to the door. "It's 2:00 in the morning what do you want?" she said sounded like she hasn't slept in days. "Well, I wanted to say 'hi' to my little sister and tell her 'I'm home and I missed her'. the man said. She widened her eyes and pulled him in a tight hug. "I missed you Dylan, you were gone for over two years, I thought you were dead! Why didn't you call!" she asked and pulled away when one tear fell. Dylan was 6 tall, had army style black hair cut, he had brown eyes, he was the total package, well for girls who wants a man working for Deathstroke.
http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=men+army+hair+cut&view=detailv2&&id=019BB46C95E34D7851E9E1F9464DB6C6033B4D76&selectedIndex=0&ccid=JzqMiLBj&simid=608030300566456227&thid=OIP.M273a8c88b0631162913d24f618f5aa8aH0&ajaxhist=0While (y/n) was 5'5 tall had (y/f/c) long hair had dark green eyes her body was the total package for guys who would want a girl working for the Joker and Deathstroke. Dylan closed the door and put his bag on the island in the kitchen. "I couldn't call because Deathstroke kept me right beside him the whole time and each time I tried to he ripped the phone out of my hand and asked who I was calling I kept telling him it was no one of importance, now I think I'm on his 'Stocking list'." he said. "How's my little sis and her insane boss"? "Which one? There's 'Insane clown' or 'Mercenary clown'?" she asked. "(y/n) I'll pick 'Insane clown' for one-hundred please." he said with a straight face. "How can you say that with a straight face?" she said while laughing. "Anyways tonight Joker is going to tie up Batman, Robin, Red Robin, Nightwing and the Red Hood." (y/n) said with a smile on her face. The door got kicked open by Deathstroke. "Both of you at Black mask's building, now." he yelled. (y/n) got in her suit and they walked in the elevater pushed the top floor. When the elevater's doors opened the whole bat family was tied up, like.
"(y/n), Sweetheart I want to introduce you to the Red Hood or Arkham Knight.Well his real name is Jason Todd, he went through the same torture you went through. And guess what? I beat both of you with a crow bar!"The Joker started laughing. (y/n) ran up to the Joker puched him in his face, kicked him in the nuts, took out a gun and shot his shoulder three times. Before she could do anymore damage Dylan picked her up turned around and put her down and riped the gun out of her hand. "What were you thinking you could of killed him!" he yelled. "That's what the guns are for, KILLING HIM! After everything he has done to us, all the pain, all the scars, you are willing to save him? That worthless piece of trash, I'm not talking about killing Penguin or Scarecrow or Dent! I'm talking about HIM, JUST HIM! And doing it because HE TOOK ME AWAY From you!" (y/n) yelled then turned around and started walking away. "(y/n).....we can fix this..together." he said and started walking to her. "No..it's to late for that...I'm done Dylan..I'm done." She reached the elevater and lefted. "Dylan go get your sister and if she dosen't want to be part of this family then tie her up by Jason. That's an ORDER SOLDIER." Deathstroke said in a commander type voice. "Yes, Sir." Dylan marched to the elevater and left. "You know something that's what Jason said that one time!" The Joker started to laugh but was interubed by Deathstroke. "Now thanks to you I'm going to lose my best Assassin. At first I had Jason when he was Arkham Knight and now I had her. Jason was easiler because he was trained by Taila and Batman. While she was beaten up and shot up with chemicals then I trained her. Batman, should I kill her or should I another year then when I finally have her I have to train her again. Or should I have both her and Jason, oh and then I could watch both of them to beat Joker until death?" he said. The elevater opened and Dylan came in carring (y/n) bridal style."She's knocked out cold, I couldn't catch her so I threw a sleep bomb. Sir, I don't want my little sister to leave me again. If she dies, I wish that I will die with her. She's only 20 Sir, she's only been in this battle of ours since she was 10. Sir, please."Dylan pleded for (y/n) life. "(y/n) is relived of duty, clear her mememory and burn her suite, put her in your apartment and watch the monters so when she wakes up I want you to leave immentaly don't tell me just go. That's an Order Soldier"Deathstroke said. "Thank you." Dylan said. Went to the apartment laied her on her bed then went back to the buliding then wached the monitors. "Deathstroke. Let my sons go, this is a fight between me and you not them." "Batman, Tell me how old are your kids? Dylan is 27 and (y/n) is 20."Deathstroke said. "Nightwing is 27, Red Hood is 21, Red Robin is 16 and Robin is 10. They all have there life ahead of them."Batman stated. When suddley scearming came from the monters Dylan ran to the elevater and left. "Batman, all of the kids have nightmares about everyone dying right? Dylan gets them but (y/n) never tells me, when she was younger she would run and cry to me. Now she's like a rock it's hard to hurt her and beak her, that's the first time in years I've seen her break down." He said.
I just had to include Jason's little speech!!! Just updated!!!
Jason + reader Some dumb crazy hopelessly devoted love
FanfictionYou have a brother Dylan and you both work for Deathstroke and Joker. But you guys are more Deathstroke's little soldiers and kids!!