The Hunting Season

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The first day of hunting I woke up at 5:30. I drove to my tree stand. My tree stand is 4 miles from any road. I got up in my tree stand and saw complete darkness. It started to get a little lighter and I heard something behind me. It walked in front of me. It was a little 4 point buck. It was definitely not the  big buck on our camera. Then the buck ran by some deer from a distance. I looked in the scope of my savage .243 High power rifle. There were three doe's. I set the gun back down. It started to snow. I put my camo stocking hat on.  The wind also started to pick up. Then another buck came through. It was a nice 8 but it wasn't the one we wanted. Then the weather got so bad i had to cancel the hunt for today. 

The next morning I got to my tree stand. It got light. Then I saw him. He was 400 yards away. I had to call him in closer. I started calling him in and the doe's spooked him into the timber.  I thought DANG! That was my chance. I started to call again but nothing came out. I had to be patient. so about 20 minutes later I saw him 200 yards away. I had my scope sighted in for 300 yards. I had to aim about 3 inches low. I shot and missed. It didn't even phase the buck. It didn't move. I aimed a little lower and the buck jumped and ran about 20 yards and dropped right by the creek. I thought it fell in the creek when I was in my tree stand. I was so nervous i wasn't going to be able to get it out. I walked over there and saw it was 1 foot from falling in. I was lucky. I pulled out my tag and figured out i had another tag. I gutted the buck in the field. Then I thought I would go to my different tree stand tomorrow.

The next morning I got to my spot and i Noticed that i told my friend Preslyn that he could hunt my tree stand.  I was kinda screwed. I only had two treestands. I thought to just drive around and look for some deer. I saw a DNR. He pulled me over and I forgot to zip my guncase up so i got a $100 fine. I was really mad. I kept on huntin though. I saw some does but not very many bucks. Then all of a sudden BAM I hit a huge buck. Then it got back up and ran right back in to my timber. I thought Awesome. I walked into my timber and saw it limping so I shot and it dropped it. I gutted it and put it in the back of my truck. I took both of my deer to the locker. I got beef jerky and beef sticks Out of the deer. I had a good High Power Season.

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