Dear Alex,
By the time you get this I'll be dead. Now you and three other people will get this letter. You were a person I loved, my best friend. We were close...I guess not close enough for you to know that I was drowning in depression.
Four favorite memories with you:
1)when we went scuba diving in Hawaii and saw a huge blue and green fish, and you totally freaked which resulted in no picture.
2)first day of junior high when you fell and pulled me down with you which caused milk to drench you.
3) sitting in the vinyl shop looking through records.
4) yesterday when we were talking about what we were going to do after high school, you would be amazing at it for me!
I loved you Al don't forget it! Please don't be sad, it would not have gotten better and you couldn't have done a thing about it
M. Miller
Short StoryShe was gone, her eyes didn't hold their usual glint, her paintings were dark, music taste went down the drain, it wasn't her anymore.