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I slowly open my eyes staring at the unfamiliar ceiling I blink trying to remember where exactly I am, or why I'm here, or more importantly who exactly I was "why can't I remember" I manage to let the words slowly drift from my mouth before closing my mouth pressing my lips against each other ever so lightly. I sit up slowly looking around the room it's all white and so bare nothing on the walls or ceiling and the only thing on the floor is the bed that I lay in. Even though the room is so empty it's still some how lit up very well in fact so well that the light kinda hurts my eyes "where am I" I say a loud hoping that something or someone might respond. I sigh hopelessly not hearing a response I look down at my body or at least what feels to be my body 'is that really me' I think to myself as I run my hand down the leg which appears to be mine 'but it feels so strange' I look around once more seeing the room still plane and empty "well might as well get up and look around" I say lightly as I slowly stand pushing my self off the bed I walk to the wall furthest from the bed I place my hand against the wall "it's so cold" I say lightly. I slowly run my hand along the wall it has such a smooth and flat texture I kneel down placing my forehead against the wall lightly as a tear slowly rolls down my cheek "why can't I remember anything. Why I just want to know why" I curl up into a ball as I feel a hand lightly placed against my shoulder "you can't remember because you don't want to" the voice says it has such a soft yet caring voice a gear in my head turns 'I have heard this voice before but where' I think to myself to scared to turn around not wanting to face the unknown voice "well aren't you going to turn around or at least say hello" the voice says softly in its calm and sweet way I gulp lightly as I slowly turn around..................

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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