First love ..last love

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First love is the hardest love you will ever go through because people say your first is your last but that never happens. You fall so hard you put your hole heart into the relationship and it gets shot at on the battifeld and no matter how hard you try to fix it it dosnet work. And sometimes if you don't wanna leave that person sometimes they are taken right from you and you can't do anything about it.

Her smile was so big and bright her red lips made her teeth so white and made her smile shine, her hair moved with the flow of the wind as she ran towards a giant tree, she never stopped smiling, she climbed up the tree and the branch cracked and she feel hard to the ground landing in a pile of leaves orange and yellow.
"R U OKAY" lizzie said
lizzie ran to Sam and swept her up in her arms and cradled her tight so that she could keep her safe. Sam's eyes filled with water and a tear ran done the side of her check and Izzie caught it and wiped her face and said
"Your okay, I am right her your safe!"
Lizzie and Sam have been dating for almost ten months now and love each other a lot but it's been hard lately but they will always be there for each other when they need help.
Lizzie helped Sam up and they walked home to there little apartment.
They went to bed as soon as the walked in the door because Lizzie knew Sam got tierd from crying so she Layed there with her while she slept.
The next morning there was a knock at the door Sam went to go answer it she unlocked the locks and slowly opened the door and the first thing she saw was Jacob they guy Lizzie had cheated on her with for a day. Sam's blood started to boil every sense in her body was at full alert, her face grew red and she continuously clenched her jaw to concentrate her from not hitting his face because she hates his guts. out of no where she swung a punch right into his jaw taking him right down to the ground and his head bounced off the ground and hit hard with a landing, blood was pouring from his mouth and he didn't dare move.
"LIZZIE YOUR STUPID BOYFRIEND IS HEAR!" She shouted while grabbing her things and walking out the door over his body and slamming the door on his body.
Sam stormed out to her car and sat in it just sitting there, she didn't know what she should be thinking about she didn't know where to go. She slowly stared forward not looking anywhere else and put the key in and slowly turned it and put the car in drive and slowly went off she had no idea where to go so she let the car take her where ever it went.
Meanwhile back at home Lizzie had come out in her dressing gown and nothing else and saw Jacob and ran to him and swept him up into her arms and sat there she didn't wonder where Sam was she didn't care she was so angry for what she had done to Jacob. She took him in and put him on the couch and helped him.
Sam had managed to go right under Brooklyn bridge she parked the car and sat there and looked out towards the water. She looked at her phone seeing if Lizzie had cared about where she went but her phone was empty no missed calls no texts messages. Her faced dropped suddenly she felt like nothing and meaningless. She dropped her phone and walked out the car in the fog that covers the side of the bridge she called Lizzie but it went to voicemail so she left a voice mail in a soft voice that sounded like she was heart broken and on the verge to cry
"Lizzie I love you! I know we have been fighting alot but u gotta hear it from me cut me some slack okay I have always stuck around for you yeh I have tried to leave to a thousand times but I always come back no matter what... You have put my heart through hell you got pregnant while we were dating and I didn't leave I stayed with you, you did drugs I told u not to and u didn't but then u did it again, you cheated on me maybe for an hour maybe for a day it still cheating and it kills it killed me so much coz u did it right under my noise and I thought u loved me .... You say u do I know u do but your my everything and u bretrayed me so forgive me if I can't let it go I try I really do but my heart it still healing and it Gona take time coz I never expected you to do cut me slack if I am bit of a grumpy bum I really hate Jacob and I ain't sorry for what I did but I love u and I am Gona try so hard to not be grumpy and Irritated by him I love you and I need you I blew off my steam and I am coming home okay plz call me back"
Sam walked to the edge of the water and looked at her reflection and she was still miserable but she pushed it down for sake of her relationship. She slwoly walked through the moist morning grass and went to her car.
Lizzie was at home her phone Beside her on don't not disturb as she laid on Jacobs chest comforting him and then looked up at him and strokes his face.
"I am so sorry for what Sam did!" Lizzie muttered softly.
Both there faces grew closer to each other and Jacob kissed her and Lizzie didn't pull away.
Sam was driving home and stopped at a red light she felt something off in her gut she felt like something wasn't right. She picked up her phone and called Lizzie and put the phone on the dash board and had it on speaker. It rang and rang... Sam looked at the side of the road and saw this cute couple two girls like her and Lizzie, the couple was care free happy as ever and looked like they trusted and loved each other till the ends of the world in a split second she thought about Lizzie and a tear dripped down her face and BOOM!! Sam's car was cleaned off the road by a truck. The phone had still been on speaker and Sam's last words were "LIZZIE"
Lizzie was at home the kissing had gone to another level Jacob had picked Lizzie up and taken her to the bedroom
"wait stop let me check on Sam!" Lizzie said pulling away from his lips.
"Don't worry bout her she is fine she just wants attention."
He continued to kiss Lizzie and took her to the bedroom.
The next morning the home phone rang Jacob woke up and answered the phone
"hi this is the hospital is this Lizzie"
"No it's her boyfriend"
Lizzie walked out and heard what he had said and walked up to him and snatched the phone from his hand
"Hello Lizzie speaking " she said giving Jacob a dirty look.
"Hi I am Alex, I am a nurse here at Brooklyn hospital I was just letting you know that your girlfriend was in a serious car accident and you were her emergency contact... But that must be wrong seeing that you have a boyfriend."
"IS SHE OKAY.... His not my boyfriend......" Lizzie screamed.
"You might wanna come to the hospital."
Lizzie hung up the phone and ran out the apartment and Jacob followed. She speed through every car on the busy road and slammed the breaks at the hospital car park taking up two spots, she ran through the sliding door and up the stairs and asked at every counter "where is Sam"
She was running up and down corridors and saw her throw a gap of a Curtin. Her hole body slowed down as she looked at Sam and walked slowly in the room she saw her on the bed connected to so many cords and a pipe down her throat. Lizzie a eyes filled up with tears she slowly went down on her knees on the side of the bed and held sam's hand and broke into tears and repeatedly said sorry...sorryyyy I am so sorry! She gasped for air as she could not longer breath, her body was shaking and she gripped tight onto sam's hand. She was there for hours she eventually moved onto the chair right next to her bed and looked out towards the corridor and saw Jacob sitting on the floor looking at her with worry upon his face. She looked away with disgust and pulled her phone out that Jacob had put on the chair early. She look and saw a missed call from Sam and listened to the voicemail. She placed her hand across her mouth and look at Sam. She slwoly went up to her bed and sat down and slid her hand beside her face and tucked her hair back behind her ear. "I love you Sam I never meant to hurt u so bad I am so sorry for what I put you through... You never tell me your feelings you always think I should know and figure it out and I should because I have known u for so long and we live TOegther and your the love of my life and I should know you and I am sorry...."Lizzie broke into tears and couldn't talk anymore.
"plz come back to me... I will make it better this time I promise you can't leave me...!" Lizzie struggled to say while breaking down into a waterfall of tears.
The room went silent and all you could hear was Lizzie crying into Sam's chest.
Lizzie looked up and looked at the monitor and it was a straight line. "NOOOOOO SAM PLEASE PLEASE DONT DO THIS FIGHT FIGHT FOR ME I WILL MAKE IT BETTER PLEASE PLEASE......" Lizzie gasped trying to breath her nose was blocked and her eyes were blurry. She grabbed onto sam's shirt and pulled her and banged her chest and screamed "COME BACK"
Nurses rushed in pulling Lizzie off Sam but she would not let go Jacob ran in and lifted her away from Sam and took Lizzie out the room while she was kicking and screaming. The door closed to Sam room and Lizzie went up against the window and watched the doctors running around sam's bed trying to bring her back. Once the doctor stepped away from the bed and there was no change Lizzie fell straight to the floor and her heart was ripped out of her chest. She sat there for hours and when the doctors took sam's body out the room and rolled it out the room Lizzie stared blankly at Sam rolling away and sat there numb.
After the funeral Lizzie disappeared she left the city and got a farm because it was her and sam's dream and lived her life there and never forgot Sam and never loved anyone like she loved Sam and she didn't wanna love again because she messed up her one chance with her true love and lost her forever.

The end

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