Chapter 5

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"I hate you Molly I hate you" Sherlock screamed. Molly couldn't move, she was on top of a building she didn't recognize and there were storm clouds above her. "I hate you Molly" Sherlock kept repeating. Molly tried to find where his voice was coming from but she didn't see anything it was as if the voice was wrapping around her and enclosing on her. She tried to say something but her words were stuck in her throat.  

"Did you really think I could ever love you" Sherlock's voice boomed from the clouds. "How could I love a clumsy, fat, ugly woman like you?" Tears started rolling down Molly's face. Everything she had worried about Sherlock was confirming. "You will never be enough for me Molly Hooper never"

Molly woke suddenly, her heart monitor beeping off the hook. She looked around. "Oh god" she whispered. Molly realized she had failed her attempt at suicide and Sherlock somehow managed to save her. Seconds later nurses and a doctor came rushing in. 

"Ms. Hooper, your awake" The young doctor said surprised "We didn't think you would wake so soon" he stated bluntly, while a nurse checked her vitals. "Well now that your awake we can talk about your situation and what we plan to do for you." Molly nodded just wanting to go back to sleep forever. "You will remain here for the night to  determine your mental state and tomorrow will be discharged. We will be placing you on suicide watch which means supervision 24/7. A few of your friends already volunteered. You will be on suicide watch until we can see improvements in your mental state. "

"Friends?" Molly asked just barley audible. With that Lestrade walked in his face lit up when he saw Molly.

"Molly your awake!" he ran over to hug her. "God we were all so worried about you." The doctor and nurses left.


"Me, John, and well Sherlock."  Molly started laughing but not in a funny way.

"Sherlock? yeah right like Sherlock Holmes cares enough to worry. Let me guess he was at home working on an experiment while I was asleep?"

"Well no, actually he was here. Sherlock never left your side for three full days. I actually had to forcibly remove him last night so he could get some rest." Molly was puzzled to why Sherlock would stay here, he played with her heart and he didn't care about her did he?

"Look Molly I was talking to Sherlock and really do think he cares about you. I am still very upset with him but I think he meant well." Lestrade said. Molly Looked down at her hands. "I can't watch you like I wanted to because work needs me right now." He paused "I think you should stay with John and Sherlock they already agreed to it and set it up for you." Molly's eyes went wide. He wanted her to what?

"What? stay with Sherlock I-" she was cut off.

"Molly I know that would be hard. I know that your are confused about Sherlock but I think it would be the best thing for you. Its either that or staying here." She looked around. Molly hated hospitals.

"Okay" she sighed.

"Good its settled then" Lestrade smiled. "Now get some rest" and with that he left Molly (With a nurse of course she cant be alone) so that she could ponder her thoughts.

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