Chapter 19

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A/N hey so just so you know I'll be ending it soon. like 2 more chapters than and epilogue. I might make a sequel depends.

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I fell asleep in Niall's arms again. I mumbled about how I should have are before I fell asleep. I wiggled out of his arms and walked to the cabinets and got cereal out. I started munching on food. When Niall woke about 5 minutes after I did he toke a seat next to me. I kissed him good morning. After breakfast I ran to the shower and washed my hair. I got dressed in white shorts with a bat man shirt. Lacing up my vans I walked out and sat next to Rachel smiling. She was wearing a blue t shirt and some black shorts with sandals. Keri came up next to me, she leaned low next to my ear "HELLO!" she yelled making Rachel and I wince at her volume level. Niall came and sat across from me. today he had his day off to rest. "Hey Hartley, wanna go shopping today?" he asked, a smile on his face. I couldn't say no to him. "Okay. Why do you wanna go shopping?" I asked curious as to way my boyfriend asked me to go shopping. "I'll tell you later." Is all Niall said while leading me to the car.

"Where are we going first?" I asked him as I was dragged through the mall. "Forever 21?" he asked. okay something's up, a guy willing to take you shopping in a girly store? I just shrugged off the thought and followed him into the store. I started looking through the shirts, finding a really cute green long sleeved shirt that said "Only you can make you destiny" in black lettering. Walking to jeans I found a pair of black skinny jeans and tried on the outfit happy to have it fit. I wondered around searching for clothes as well as Niall, only to find him talking to another girl. "Wow Niall, you are so funny." She said being very flirty. "You bet I am." he winked at her. Then she kissed him. All I could do was watch. I stood there shocked at Niall. I knew there was something up. I backed up silently. walking out of the store. I walked out of the store, I walked out of the mall. It was raining. I was happy it was, nobody could tell I was crying then.

An hour later I reached a coffee shop walking in, I ordered a hot chocolate. I sat there thinking about how stupid I was to think Niall really liked me. I was walking out when my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I answered not checking caller ID. "Where are you? I've been searching for an hour!" Niall screamed into the phone. "Niall we are done. I saw you two kiss. I thought you actually care for me, but no you don't. When I get to the bus I'm packing and leaving. Goodbye Niall." I said. I walked to the bus about 10 minutes away. I arrived to see Niall sitting on his bed. He saw me, "Hart-" he started but was cut off. "Don't you even speak! I'm done Niall. You cheated and I don't care if it was a misunderstanding. I'm leaving I'm going home." I said furious at him. "But-" he started again. "You could write me a thousand 'I'm sorry's' it doesn't matter. I give up with you and everyone." I said finally having enough of being a fool.

I was headed home when I was suddenly grabbed from behind. "Did you miss me?"



Yeah a lot has happened. Comment please or vote but make sure to share

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