Diana (Adopted by Zerrie FanFic)

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Hey peoples:)

My 1st chapter of my 2nd story hope you like it:) No stealing my ideas:/

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"Mom! Mom Wake Up! Please! Hes Gunna hurt me mommy hes gunna hurt me!!" I said trying to wake my mom up. Blood soaked the carpet of out apartment.

"Diana It no use..I killed her you stupid waste of space." Mike my step dad yells comming closer to me.

"Please Mike..Dont touch me!" I scream.

"Your mother was so easy to kill. You will be even more easy to die. Im hoping a slow painful..."

"Micheal James! You touch that little girl and you die!" A man in a police suit yells at my step father. My stepfather froze pulling a knife out of his pocket. He dropped the knife right on my lower abdomen. I yell in pain. I hear a gunshot and I black out as my stepdad lands on top of me. Screaming in pain. The cop shot him in his leg so he wasnt dead..

They sent him to jail for a life sentence.

I was in critical condition but some how I made it. I was 6 years old when this happened. Luckily I survived. But I relived it...Everynight. In my dreams..Im and orphan now.. In a orphange in London. You may think.. "Oh she live in a busy town. People must wanted to adopt her left and right.

Not the case.

Im 9 now.

And everyone wants a baby.

So no one wants me.

My orphanage is called  Heathers Orphanage. 

Heather is a nice lady in her 40s. I love her like a sister. No one will be like my mother..My mother is..irreplaceable.

"Diana!! I could use some help with breakfast!!" Heather yells upstairs.

I start walking downstairs cause the little kids yell at me whenever I talk to Heather from upstairs.

"How did you sleep honey? Did you remember to take your sleeping pills?" Heather asked cracking eggs into a bowl.

"Umm yeahh." I said. I hated talking about my sleeping pills. It made me sound like I was crazy. I wasnt crazy.

Or was I?

I took pills so I would sleep through the night. I had nightmares that..Made me scream bloody murder even if I did take them..Sometime they worked sometimes it made it worse.

"What are you doing today Ana?" Heather said placing 15 plates at the table.

"I think Im going to go on a walk after breakfast." I sighed as I was making toast.

Heather nodded her head.

After Breakfast:

"Bye girls BYE HEATHER!!" I yelled walking out the door before anyone said they wanted to come with me.

All the girls were between 1-5.

I being older at 9

I started walking to the park.

I had a my straight blonde hair down in its natural waves.

I had a blue v neck on that brought my eyecolor out perfectly.  I had an old pair of levis on with holes at my knees and a pair of converse.

I wasnt really sure if I was pretty or not. Everyone said I was but...I wouldnt believe them. I was average looking.

Nothing special.

Diana (Adopted by Zerrie FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now