I Need Your Love (One direction fanfiction)

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Chapter 1

"AND WE DANCED ALL NIGHT TO THE BEST SONG EVER!". This is what me and Ally do on our free nights without the boys. Missing them like crazy. They have recently gone on their tour around the world and we've done nothing but miss them. That may sound incredibly stupid but at the same time could sound incredibly adorable.

"Katie turn up they music!", Ally screamed at me even though she was right next to me.

"Turn it up yourself you lazy bi", I was cut off by mom walking in.

"Girls turn the music down your going to wake up your little brother." My mom yelled over the music.

"But Jess we miss the boys! We know you miss them too! Don't deny it!". Ally said as she turned down the music.

"Of course I miss them but they're coming back tomorrow. I need to get some sleep if I'm taking you two to the airport tomorrow."

Yes I'm 19 and don't have my drivers licence. Don't judge me I'm not that big on driving.

"Jeez Jess thanks a lot! You ruined my life!." Ally fake cried into her pillow. Ally lives with us because her parents died in a car crash when she was 7. So we took her in. She is  a part of our family now so its not weird if she yells at my mom like that. We're all use to it.

"Oh stop being a baby Ally and grow up. I'll see you girls tomorrow at 7. Goodnight." My mom said as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.


So it's 7 in the morning and i'm tired as hell. I'm not a moring person at all. If someone trys to wake me up in the morning I will bite their hand off and shove it down their throat.

"Katie i'm excited to see Niall!" Ally somewhat whispered and yelled at the same time. Ally and Niall are dating and same for me and Harry. It's amazing to be dating them not just because they're famous. Fame doesn't matter to me and Ally. The fame is the hardest part. They have to leave us, they have the screaming girls, and most of all the hate we get. I'm the most sensitive person in the world when it comes to that kind of stuff. I've gotten bullied in high school and middle school. I also lost my dad recently. That has been so hard to deal with lately. And the hate from fans just add on to that.

"Girls get in th- whoa are you sure you girls want to meet your boyfriends for the first time in months looking like that?" My mom asked ever so rudely.

"Way to sugarcoat that Jess. Thanks." Ally said sarcastically.

"Im just saying I mean come on. Sweats, no makeup, hair in a bun, and white T-shirts. I think you girls should dress up a little more fancy. Just my opinion."

"Mom what do you think they're going to be wearing. Tuxes? No. We're fine. Now lets go!"

"Will you two stop fighting and get in already!" Ally yelled excitedly at us. Tyler, my little brother, has to come along with us. He's only 4 so he can't stay home alone. He's been a bit weird since dad died. Speaking of that I still need to tell Harry and the guys. He died while they were on tour. So  they have yet to know. That'll be a fun conversation.. 

I'm so excited to see Harry and the rest of the boys. Plus the girls, Perrie, Danielle, and Eleanor. When the boys left for their tour the girls had to go off and do their own thing too. Perrie had to go sing with little mix, Eleanor has to finish her modeling, and Dani has her dancing. Which leaves me and Ally to stay at home missing all them like crazy! They don't get back for awhile though. So it's just going to be the 7 of us staying in my tiny thing we like to call a house. How fun..


We're finally at the airport waiting for the boys to arrive and its taking longer than expected. They need to hurry their asses up because I'm tired and just want to go home and watch Disney movies with Harry. Yes I like Disney movies. Gotta problem?

"Ally call Niall and see where  they are please?" I asked trying to find out where the boys are and why it's taking them so long.

"Okay just a minute." Ally whispered barely enough for me to hear.

"You know what? I'll do it.". Right as I was about to call Harry I hear Ally scream. I look up from my phone and see all the boys charging at us. They looked like a bunch of idiotic penguins cause they were waddling carrying their heavy suitcases.

"Harry I missed you so much!" I yelled running over to Harry jumping in his arms causing both of us to fall on the floor. Everyone around us giggled and we even earned a couple weird stares from strangers around us. It wasn't very crowded in here so there weren't any screaming fans.

Once we got up from the ground I hugged all the rest of the boys. They seemed tired as well.

"Thank god you guys are back! Katie and Ally have done nothing but sit in their rooms and listen to your music." Tyler said sarcastically.

"Don't forget to mention the crying every night part!" My mom ever to kindly added. The boys laughed and gave us weird looks.

"You guys missed us that much? How cute!" Zayn said with a smirk.

"Oh you wish we missed you that much. We barely even knew you guys were gone." Ally added with a smirk of her own.

"Ouch." Liam said laughing while Zayn was clutching his chest pretending to be hurt.

"Okay we can finish catching up at home. Lets get going!" Mom eventually said.

Everyone all agreed and we headed off. I'm so glad to have my boys back. This is going to be an interesting couple of months. But i'm ready to take that on.


Authors note

Sorry this chapter is kind of short and it sucks .I'm new at this but I promise it will get better. Don't stop reading! I'm not sure when the next chapter will be done but hopefully soon. Comment if I should keep going or if I should stop. Rate too please(:

~Haley xx

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