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School was very troublesome to Xiumin even though he is done with it . Now he was ready to start college . He had been praying that this time it would be different , hoping nothing would go wrong ..,like last time. If you hear Xiumin's story you might think it sounds like a drama but that was life for Xiumin .

Age 9
" I'm sorry to say this but your mother has passed away . As you know her cancer was very critical . This was bound to happen " the doctor explained to a young Xiumin and his father and brother .
Xiumin didn't cry immediately as he heard it .he  was processing it slowly and he understood but still no tears would stream from his eyes .

But then it hit him hard when he saw his mother's lifeless body on the white hospital bed . He started to tear up and finally the tears released itself and glided down Xiumin's cheeks . He glanced at his father and brother and he saw that they were trying  to conceal their  emotions as well  . Xiumin clung to his brother's arm and buried his face so he wouldn't be looking at his mother's dead body . His brother hugged him and sniffed ,the father joined them a few moments later .
That was only the start of his life turning to a totally different direction .
After 4 months from when his mother passed away Xiumin looked normal enough for kid who just lost his mother but of course that's what the outside world saw . Xiumin's brother could hear sniffles from Xiumin's bed room at night and he knew how broken his little brother is he wanted to comfort him but he couldn't even control himself how was he supposed to comfort his brother .

Age 14
Xiumin was returning home from school and he saw his brother pacing on the veranda and he gave a confused look in the direction . "Hyung is something the matter?" He asked his troubled looking brother "huh..oh...Xiumin oh good you came home . Dad wanted me too pick you up and come to his office " he said still holding that concentrated gaze " what's wrong ?" Xiumin asked "hm? Oh I forgot where I kept the car keys and also I'm waiting for a delivery " he said and Xiumin spoke to his brother saying he saw the car keys on the coffee table . Xiumin's brother thanked xiumin for it and rushed into the house ,while he was inside the landline rang inside the house . Xiumin walked over to pick the phone up "hello?" Xiumin answered the phone " hello is this mister Kim?" A voice asked " um who do you want to speak to?" Xiumin asked " this is the Kim residence right?"the voice questioned " yes it is . your purpose for calling ?" Xiumin asked politely " I have some tragic news sir has suffered and heart attack and is hospitalized and his liver problem isn't stable either right now . If you could please visit as soon as possible that would be greatly appreciated " the voice answered and hung up before Xiumin could reply. Not that he was going to reply anyway .
This time around again he didn't tear up immediately and he didn't see the necessity either... his father wasn't dead he was sick and in critical condition yes but not dead . He informed his big brother and they left their house . His brother looked pale and and his gaze shifted from time to time . Xiumin could understand why ,he knew losing their mother effected them in many ways and neither one of them wanted to go through that again but Xiumin had hope ,a small part of him told him nothing would happen to his father . When they reached the junction without a second glance his brother kept going forward but they were stopped by the truck that was racing their way which they didn't notice until it hit their car hard . The vehicle barreled a few meters and landed upside down . The truck hit the drivers side first so obviously Xiumin's brother was unconscious but Xiumin was slightly awake.  He knew he was hurt and to make it worse they were upside down and it was making xiumin feel nauseous  . he tried his voice but instead he croaked something inaudible . He noticed feet rushing over to them and shouting for help and in no time Xiumin was out the car . He didn't even have enough energy to think about his brother, the last thing he saw was the blue sky before everything went black and dark blue .

Next time he woke up in a hospital bed 75% of his body covered in bandages . The nurse noticed that the boy who was unconscious a while ago is awake right now . She rushed over to him and checked if everything was normal and sure enough it was all good . He  did have some broken limbs and some wounds and bruises but they will heal with time .
Xiumin got to know his brother didn't survive the crash and this time around he instantly teared up and cried into his pillow ,all he had was his father now ,who was very sick at the moment .
After a few days he was discharged and by that time he was all alone no one in this world that he could call family . Well  if you don't count relatives .
After his brother's death his father also left this world and he had to move in with his aunt and uncle . He didn't worry about them . His uncle and aunt were very nice and didn't have children of their own so they welcomed him with open arms . After these incidents Xiumin never really talked much and didn't get too attached to people because everyone seemed to leave him .
Except one more person.

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