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      People say love is simple and love is kind. I can tell you that is not the story here. I, Sasha Walters, am here to tell you how love is not as congenial and unambiguous as some have come to know. Love is the most complex idea this world has come to face. It isn't something that comes easy to people; however, with other people it's like turning a light switch on and off. They will love people one day, and contemptuously despise them the very next day.

     What a strange world we live in. I can walk down the street any given day, and there are couples who show complete adulation towards each other, yet when I walk down, even a quarter of a mile, there is another couple throwing things at one another, showing complete loathsome towards each other.

     This isn't at all what I had imagined when I was younger. Everything was so beautiful then; everything seemed so bright and happy. Now the world just seems like a gigantic pile of waste.

I am pusillanimous when it comes to relationships; I will never relinquish to love and it's harsh grip. Or at least that was postulated until I had met Luis. It was like eating cheese cake for the first time, or perhaps lemon squares.

     He was perfect, my version of perfect. He was clumsy, yet managed to keep his self together and maintained. His shaggy brown hair and sumptuous brown eyes drove me wild. His elegant, perfect skin gleamed, it almost seemed like. His voice made me want to listen to him talk forever. Everything about him drew me in. It was like looking at a superlative rose of the deepest, truest red; and I had to have it.

     I spent my lunches at school gazing at him across the cafeteria, searching for the slightest sign that he might show the slightest interest or attraction towards me, and yet nothing prevailed. So one day I finally mustered the courage to approach him. He looked at me with his angelic brown eyes, just staring at me. "Yes?" His voice bewitching me into a caressing haze.

     "Shasha?" He asked.

     "Oh, um.. Hello," I replied. I could not believe what I had just done.

     "Did you need something?" he catechized.

     "Yes, I was just wondering, if perhaps you'd maybe like to go and see, I mean, only if you wanted to-"

     "I would absolutely love to." Luis cultivated.

     And right there and then I knew that my view on love had changed. Of course it's hard, and it's a struggle that we must bear, in order to actualize happiness, delectation, and bliss. There will always be herculean where ever we may go, and with whom ever we meet. It is important to keep going, and to never capitulate to the hardships and broken hearts we will receive. For then and then only, will we be blithe.

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