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I slammed the door to my car, the gravel crunching under my feet. As I made my way in I noticed a sleek black car, a 67 Chevy to be exact. The make and model rang in my head as I thought about it. I shook the thoughts from my head and went inside. The place smelled like stale beer and greasy burgers. The booths were full, but I managed to get a seat at the bar.

 The booths were full, but I managed to get a seat at the bar

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"I'll have a beer, please." The bartender nodded and grabbed one from the fridge.

"$4.75." I dug into my jeans pockets to give him cash.

"Don't worry, I got it." I rolled my eyes and gave the bartender my cash. "Where are you from?"

"South Dakota."

"Well, you're far from home." It was true, I was in Minnesota for a case.

"There you are, I was looking for you." I raised my eyebrows at the other man next to me. "Is there a problem?"

"No buddy, I was just talking to this pretty girl."

"Yeah well buddy, she's my girlfriend so I suggest you leave." The guy scrambled away and I finally relaxed. "What's your name, cutie?"

"Rosalie Wesson." His eyes widened

"Yeah, that's not possible."

"What's your real name?"

"I told you it's Rosalie..."

"Yeah you said that." I was getting fed up with all the guys tonight. I hopped off the barstool and made my way to a booth that just opened. I sat down on the ripped leather bench, and felt more people sit down.

"Sorry, I was here..." I looked at the two men in front of me, one was the same guy who saved me from the other man, the other I felt like I recognized him, the both of them.

"We're the Winchesters, heard of us?" Winchester? The name sounded familiar but I couldn't make any connections. "I'm Dean, and this is Sam."

"What do you want?"

"Same as you, hunting." Great, I hated working with other hunters.

"Do you know what is is yet?" I shook my head, I wasn't sure either.

"Do you guys?"

"We aren't really sure either. We talked to an eyewitness this morning, the mother thinks the kid just had a bad dream, he said the monster had this whining growl."

"The local police ruled out foul play." Sam said.

"So, maybe we were wrong."

"Yeah, maybe. But Dean, check this out. Dad, he marked the area. Hunting grounds for a phantom attacker. Apparently it grabs people and vanishes. He also found this, this county has more missing persons per capita than anywhere else in the state."

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