It has been almost 1 year since eggman had die and sonic has been as bored as fuck "hey tails buddy got anything to do today?" and tails replais "no sonic just relaxing in the sun you should try it but knowing you, your more likey to bored to do anything" as tails says as a joke but as always sonic takes it the wrong way and doesn't think it's a joke " well tails who do you think your talking to i'm SONIC THE HEDGEHOG THE MOST FASTEST CREATURE EVERY WALKED THE EARTH" tails starts to get a bit worryed so trys to tell sonic that it was a joke " sonic buddy i was only joking" but sonic shouts back saying " go away thats all you guys ever do" tails walks away in sadness becasue of that little joke " can't relax um i'll show you i can relax just watch my smoke!"
after about an hour of not knowing where he was going he found him self in a rather stange place but he thinks he has seen it before it had trees with gold comign off them and in the middle was a mult colour emerald " what is this?" as sonic watchs the emerald in a werid way but when he went to touch it it glowed and when his hand got closer it glowed brighter and brighter untill when he touched it and pick it up it stoped then the whole ground beagain the shanke and blow fire 2what's happen?!"