"okay everyone i have an amazing idea for the world meeting becaus im the hero!!'" said america eating 5,000 hamburger
"oh my god america you bloody git wanker bloody hell" said england
"honhonhon" france said to england causing england to slap him "france invades your pants~"
"bloody hELL" england sit angrily sip tea
"da, why are you 2 always fight, da? become one with russia, da?" russia said scaryily
"no stahp" america said.
"alfred you shut your whore mouth." england said wile fighting franceit was another normal world meeting. then germany came as usual.
"SHUT UP EVERYONE!!!" said doitsu. "why is everyone always fighting??? we have things to do"
"ve~~ pasta he is right, ve~" italy said.
"but i cant because im the hero" said america.
"you bloody git!!" england said.
"shh iggy youre rude. you keep losing things like your cOlONIES" america said. ooh what a sick burn.
"gET reKt!" say dank meme lord russia who now has sunglasses. ooh desu
"I SAID SHUT UP!!!" doistu is yELL
"you guys are so immature aru. you should be wise like me aru."
"omg prussia what are you doing here you arent an country anymore" Ooh, its Englands turn to give an SIckK burn.
"the awesome me has arrived kesesese" he say.
*sobbing in the background* "nobody notices me...." canada said. "i should kermit the suwer slide because the author is bland and doesnt know how to make good story plot..."
"leaves room""lol did someone leave?" say france-kun
"idk i didnt notice anyone leave..oh well. lets go on with the meeting" england say blushing a little as he looks at france from the side.
"hey you know, honhonhon, i always kind of liked you...."
"france is gonna invade englands vital regions, kesesese" says prussia. ("y r u still here, in the background")
england blUsh. "what- er, you bloody wanker!!! i dont, like you or anythint go way" england cries and leaves
"This world meeting is chaos! we will never get anything done rike this. ita-chan, help"
Japan needs help before his dead, dying soul descends into the abyss where this poor man will be forgotten forev r. (xDD!! same~ author chan)TO BE CONTINUED....
(authors note) this is my first fic dont judge i have a writing prodegy my mom told me so lol xDD rawr im also emo and dark actually....
xD lol tho
tell me what suggestions u have for me for new chapters. any ship will do i love yaoi XDd but yuri is gross because i dont like lesbians hitting on me :\anyway stay kawaii my friends
*flies away, so fabulous* xDP.S. I do NOT support meming or any form or type of memes. If you're going to sell, buy, or post memes than you better hide. The government WILL stop your sinful hand!
hetalia fanfiction xD
RandomContains YAOI gayNeSS kissing BOYS kissing wow and FrUk and UsUk (this is FAKE this is just to make fun of cliche fanfictions written by edgy 9 year olds) (even the authors note is fake I do not say "rawr xD"