captain dinah jane

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literally this idea came to me so quickly so I had to write it down. this is all there is there's not going to be a part 2 it's meant to be really short sorry it's kinda messy

"Captain Dinah Jane,"

The name was everywhere. It was the name of the infamous pirate who wrecked havoc on the Caribbean seas for the past four years. It was the name that children were told as a scary bedtime story. It was the name Admiral Michael Jauregui hated the most.

The year was 1727 and Admiral Jauregui had been living on the Caribbean Islands for almost fourteen years. It was where he was assigned from his job in the navy.

Captain Dinah Jane was his worst enemy.

Granted, he had never even met the woman. But her henchmen have raided and burned many ships and villages in her name.

From the rumors, Captain Dinah Jane was a savage-like she-wolf. Michael assumed she was probably around his age, due to all of the stories he had heard of her accomplishments.

"All of these rumors are nonsense," his friend, Alejandro, would say. "There is no way a woman could do such a thing,"

At this point, Michael had thought that Captain Dinah Jane was just a ghost name, with many pirates claiming to be her or be her men. The name was so popular and widely used that Michael had just assumed that there was no way that it could be just one woman.

His daughter was fascinated by the pirate. Lauren and her friends Camila and Normani would gush about Captain Dinah Jane's notorious acts, as if she was their hero.

Actually, it was what they were talking about now as Michael had taken them and their families on one of the navy's luxury boats for an outing. He thought it would be good for Lauren to be out in the sun; usually, she would spend her days gossiping with Camila in her bedroom... with the door locked and them asking for complete privacy.

"Did you hear about her robbing the British Navy?" Lauren asked.

"Again?" Camila was surprised.

"Did she set the ship on fire?" Normani questioned excitedly.

"I heard she took it for her fleet," Lauren said.

"How do you think she sneaks onto the ships? Do you think she does it stealthily or just straight out attacks?" Camila asked.

"I heard her first mate Allyson takes care of the strategic planning,"

"Do they ever talk anything else?" Derek rolled his eyes.

"Apparently not," Alejandro scoffed.


The three men looked at each other in surprise. Who was that?

"Help!" the voice cried again. The three girls ran over to the side of the boat, their fathers following them.

Below them was a tiny raft, barely fitting the two girls on it. One was unconscious. The other one had a bleeding head.

These girls couldn't have been much older than any of the girls on the ship. The one who was conscious, the tiny one, looked at the passengers with pleading eyes.

"Please help us!" she cried. "M-my friend! Our ship was attacked! We were the only ones who got away,"

"Derek, there is a rope on the starboard side. Ale, help me get to these girls," Michael commanded.

"Are you alright?" Normani screamed to the girls below. The girl who was awake shook her head.

"I don't know how to help my friend! She's hurt!" the girl said, tears running down her face.

"Grab on to this!" Derek yelled as he threw the rope over. Michael and Alejandro helped sturdy it. The girl took her unconscious friend into her arms as the men pulled them onto the ship.

"Oh my," Lauren gasped, seeing the conditions of the girls.

They looked disgusting, to put it lightly. Their white shirts were caked with what looked like blood, dirt, and grime from a ship. The girl who was awake was clutching her stomach as if she were in immense pain, and her unconscious friend had a nasty gash on her forehead.

"What happened?" Michael asked, standing at a distance from the two girls. They smelled horrible, like brine and dead fish and mead.

The girl looked as if we were to burst into tears. "O-our ship was h-hijacked. B-by bandits! Captain Dinah Jane!"

"You've seen her?" Normani asked, stepping closer.

"Yes," the girl's lower lip trembled. "I-it was horrid,"

"Oh please," Alejandro rolled his eyes. "It wasn't Captain Dinah Jane. That woman is a myth, a mere sick fantasy that sailors make up, like the Flying Dutchman and mermaids. It's savvy,"

"Um, pardon me, but you're an asshole," the unconscious girl suddenly bolted up, annoyance in her eyes. Her companion gave her a questioning look. Lauren screamed.

The girl jumped up, suddenly alert and quick on her feet. She stalked towards the men.

"Captain Dinah Jane is not a myth," she said, scoffing. "She took down Blackbeard at the mere age of fifteen. She conquered ships, villiages, empires. She sailed all seven seas, she pillaged and burned civilizations to the ground. She was able to face Davy Jones's locker, and survive," The girl finally was able to corner the three men at the edge of the ship, making them all increasingly scared.

"Captain Dinah Jane is not a myth. She is a legend,"

"Technically those are quite similar-" Lauren started.

"You!" the girl snapped, producing a cutlass and pointing it towards the girls. They gasped. The intruder's companion produced a small sword, keeping it at the ready. "Shut up. Grown up's are talking,"

"I doubt you're older than us," Normani shot. Dinah raised an eyebrow at her.

"You've got balls, prissy," the girl smirked. "I like your spunk,"

"You're getting off topic," her companion chastised.

"Well sorry for trying to make conversation, Ally,"

"You can do that with your own crew. Focus,"

"Fine, fine, whatever," the girl rolled her eyes. It was obvious now that these girls were pirates.

The girl facing the men took a deep breath. "Now. You're going to give me this ship. You could either go peacefully, and we will drop you off at a nearby island, or it could go brutally, and we will kill you all,"

"What makes you so sure you could do that, girl?" Alejandro spat. The girl looked at him and smiled crookedly.

"Idiot," she grinned evilly. "I'm Captain Dinah Jane. Savvy?"

the end

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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