We Meet

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(Bridget's P.O.V)

One day me and my friends, Vanessa, Aliyah, and Niya, were driving to Starbucks. While I was driving our favorite song came on.

"OMG Bridget it's our song!!" Vanessa said.

Best Song Ever came on and we all started singing along. After the song was over we got to Starbucks. Once we got in we took our orders and sat down.

"Bridget how come you know Harry's part so well? Does someone have a crush?!" Niya asked.

"Well duhhh! He's so freaking hot how could I not. His dreamy green eyes, the way his dimples show when he smiles, he's just so freaking cute!! If we could be together that would be a dream come true."

"Bridget, Niya, Vanessa, and Aliyah!" the man calls.

"I'll go get our orders."

I get up and get our orders. I turn around to o back to out table when someone spills their drink on me.

"What the heck!!"

"I'm sooo sorry love!!"

I look up to see the one and only Harry Styles. I couldn't believe he was actually standing right in front of me. HARRY STYLES!!

"Oh ummm i-it's fine"

I knew I was blushing but I couldn't help it. Harry Styles, my biggest crush was standing right in front of me.

(Harry's P.O.V)

"What the heck!!"

"I'm sooo sorry love!!"

She was so beautiful that I thought that she was an angel from heaven. Her eyes sparkling like the night sky, her perfectly black curled hair, she just looked so perfect.

"Oh ummm i-it's fine."

"You sure? I could help clean you up."

"Trust me I'm fine."

"Please I insist."

"I'll be okay, you don't need to worry."

"Then can I take you out just to make sure things between us are okay?"

(Bridget's P.O.V)

OH MY GOD!! Harry Styles is asking to take me out!? I hope.I'm not dreaming, let me pinch myself. Ouch!! Nope I'm not dreaming! OMG!!

"So what do you say?"

"Oh,yeah,sure,of course."

I give him my phone so that he can put his number in. After exchanging numbers I go back and sit with my friends who all have their mouths wide open. We all drank our coffee and had a great time. Right before leaving I get a text from Harry saying :

Can't wait to see you again. -xoxo Harry

I reply back "You too" and get back into the car with the girls. After dropping everybody off at their flats I go back to mine after a morning that will change my life forever.

(2 months later)

Over the past couple of months me and Harry have become really good friends. I have feelings for him but if I tell him then I knew it might ruin our relationship. I don't want it to be ruined so I have decided not to tell him. I mean he's one of my best friends and I can't risk our friendship just like that.

Harry sends me a text asking "Wanna hang out?" It was around 3 in the afternoon so I said yeah. He was over at my flat with movies in less than 5 mins.

"What movie do you want to watch?" he asks.

"How about Happy Feet 2?"

"Your such a little kid sometimes."

I giggle and playfully punch him in the arm. He puts in the movie and we start to watch. About half through the movie Harry gets a call. He excuses himself and I pause the movie. I decide to make more popcorn while he is on the phone. While I'm waiting on the popcorn to finish Harry walks into the kitchen.

"Bridget, is it okay if the lads come over?"

I mean I've known Harry for while know but the thing is I haven't really met the guys yet. The fangirl inside of me got all excited when Harry said that. Did he really think I was going to say no to that question?!

"Sure I'll call the girls to come over to if that's okay with you?"

"Of course love, it's your flat anyways."

I called Vanessa, Niya, and Aliyah and they came over. While we were all waiting on the boys I introduced Harry to everyone because they haven't really met yet. We all laughed and had a good conversation. After a while there was a knock at my door. The fangirl inside of me was just freaking out but on the outside I just got up from the table and started to walk towards the door.

OMG they're really here!! What am I going to say? What am I going to do? What if they think I'm weird? I open the door and there, right in front of me stood the one and only, One Direction. One by one they came in and introduced themselves as if I didn't know who they were.We all talked and watched movies. Soon we were all sitting in a circle.

"Hey Bridget, your one pretty girl." Niall said.

"Thanks, I get it from my parents."

We both laughed. Niall then lead me to the couch.

"Harry sure does talk a lot about you."

"He does?" I asked.

"Yeah, every single day it's Bridget this and Bridget that and he just keeps talking about you nonstop."

Wow. I mean I have had feelings for Harry but I never told him because I never wanted to risk our relationship. He probably doesn't like me anyways cause there our much more girls that are prettier than me that are out there. I don't know why I always think there is a chance when there isn't.

"Well enough about Harry, let's talk about you." Niall said interrupting my thoughts.

Okay, ask away." We both laughed and we just started talking like there was no tomorrow. After a while I saw Harry glaring over at us. He kept looking over at us whenever we started to laugh. When Niall put his arm over me is when Harry stomped over to us.

"Hey Niall, whatcha doin? Harry asked.

"Just talking to the one and only Bridget." Niall responded.

I giggled as he said that. I could tell Harry was angry. The thing is me and Harry aren't really a thing so I don't know why he was getting jealous.

"Well can I talk to her?"

"Well we were in the middle of a conversation and-"

I could tell Harry was getting really mad. His face was turning to a deep red.

"We can talk later Niall, why don't you go talk to Aliyah?"

"Okay but I'll be back to talk to you soon Bridget."

With that Niall got up and walked over to Aliyah.

"What was that all about Harry. It's not like we are a thing or anything."

"Harry grabbed my wrist and walked me over to the other side of the house.

"Bridget, I need to tell you something important."

"What is it Harry?" I said putting my hand on my hip.

"Well ummm I really like you and, umm"

"And what?" I started to tease.

"And I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?"He mumbled.

He was looking down at the ground. I lifted his chin up with my fingers, slowly. Looking straight into his gorgeous green eyes I answered his question.

"Yes Harry, I would love to be your girlfriend."

With that Harry leaned in and kissed me. He picked up and spun me around without taking his lips off mine. It was a passionate and gentle kiss all at the same time. We both pulled back to take a breath.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that." Harry said with his dimples showing in his wide smile.

"I think I have a clue." With that we kissed again and had a fun night with everyone else.

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