Chapter 16

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All King saw was black. How could his so-called brother, homie since diapers, portray him and sleep with his girlfriend. Living a lie, thinking everything is peaches and cream, but his bro and his girl creeping on the low. He trusted them and this what happens. All this time he thought he could claim the life in Sha's belly as his own, but he can't say if it's a possibly that unborn child is his. King wants to say why me Lord, but the one thing he was taught by his grandmother was to never question God. It's all in God's master plan. 

LaLa could not believe what she heard. To say she wasn't hurt was a total lie. This is why LaLa has trust issues because you can't trust blood or someone close to you. Even though she was crushed, she could only imagine how hurt and devasted King was. LaLa over to her left and saw King. She didn't like what she saw. She needed to get her best friend out of there before he does something he will regret in the long run. If and that's a big if, if that's he's child being behind bars will not help take care of him or her. LaLa also knows king has a slight anger issue, well not slight, maybe major anger issues."King let's go before the cops come. Trust me you are not in the right state to handle this situation," LaLa said as she was pulling King to the door. 

"No LaLa, I am not going anywhere," King said. LaLa was still being persistent by trying with all her strength to pull him towards the door. "Come on King, let's go," LaLa said. "I said no, dammit. I will not walk away until I say what I got to say." 

King moved towards Marcus and Sha, still not believing this was real and this was just a nightmare. King wanted to strangle Sha so bad, but Sha was still pregnant with his maybe child and he was raised better to not a woman. Even though it's taking God himself to hold him back. "What I'm getting ready to say, I want you all to hear me loud and clear. I want nothing to do with any of you. Sha, only communicate with me about the child and only the child. I will be having a DNA test done this week and if the child is mine I will be in his or her life. My lawyers will get in contact with you. I loved you with all my heart and soul and you do me dirty like this. Sleeping with my so-called brother. If you cheated on me once how can I trust you not to cheat on me again? Oh, and don't worry about coming to get your things because I paid for that with my hard earned money. You wanna be big and bad and spread your legs, you can do all those things on the streets because you have no need to stay and waste all my good air, water, and money since wanna be a hoe. Better be glad I'm letting you leave with clothes on your back because that's mine as well. The things I can not sell will be going to Goodwill and the Salvation Army. Somebody will appreciate it since you could not do that. Now let me hop on Marcus raggedy ass. You low dow dirty little mutt. For me to call you a brother is a disgrace. You of all people do me like this. I hope you burn in hell. As of this day, you are nobody to me. Fuck this business, this friendship, and you. I could care less. You can have it all, I am set straight. While your dumbass, was out there only trappin', I got an education and a degree. I am set for life because I have legal businesses that invested my money in. I'm not dumb to leave paper trails. See, I've been wanted to get out of the game, but my greed got in the way. Now this was the extra push I needed. You can have it all, I don't give a fuck. I am washing my hands with the both of you. Hope God forgives you for all the shit you just caused because you reap what you sow and that's bible my friend." 

King walked out with his head held high. All the deadweight was lifted off of him. Now he can be free. Before leaving out King yelled, "If anybody looking for some nice clothes, shoes, or knick nacks come hit my place up on this Saturday all day. The address is 432 Monte Carlo Drive. Everything is on sale for $20 or less. Now come on LaLa I am hungry and I am in the mood for the 4 for 4 at Wendy's" 

LaLa started to smirk because here best friend handled it well. Walking out the door LaLa had to put her two cent in. "Hope you alls shit burning. Toodles." 

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OMG HEYYYYYY GUYYYYSSSS!!!!!!!! Now y'all know, I could not leave y'all hanging like that. I was trying so hard to correct the chapters and then post  a new chapter, but my mind was telling me no and my creative juices my creative juices was telling meee yesss!!! *R. Kelly Voice* 😂😭 Just a little something to keep y'all up on your toes. 

There is so much to come. I will never do that to you all again. Chapter 17 coming out next week so be prepared. Thanks to everybody that's been hitting my line or commenting to update. It means a lot when people appreciate your gift for telling stories. 

You guys are my inspirations to keep writing even when I feel like giving up and that means a lot from the bottom of my heart. (I am trying not to cry writing this part). When the world is looking down on you making fun of you and telling you that you will be nothing. Stunt on them hoes. I've been letting people do that to me for 16 years. It is time for a change. Take my advice and keeping fighting and watch your life will be great because you kept holding on and not letting these haters get to you. GIRLLLL throw on your hater blockers 😎 and keep being glamorous. 

That's my love talk for today

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That's my love talk for today. Love you guys. Keep being beautiful and wearing the crown God gave you.  



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