Broken Angel

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A year and a half.  Seventeen months.  Seventy four weeks.  Five hundred and seventeen days.

It's been a year and a half since Saige's first heartbreak.  Seventeen months since she realized that she would always be second.  Seventy four weeks since she last heard those dreadful words.  Five hundred and seventeen days since she last saw him.

A year and a half, seventeen months, seventy four weeks, five hundred and seventeen days was all it took for her to fall apart for the only person she ever wanted.

A year and a half, seventeen months, seventy four weeks, five hundred and seventeen days was all it took for him to forget about her.


Hey everyone!

So welcome to the first "part" of the rewritten version of Broken Angel.

Just a heads up, I will be writing this story in third person from now on.

Thank you for reading this extremely short part, the first chapter should come soon.

Love you all.

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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