The Player's Best Friend

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Vivian's POV

I was running late. Again. Due to the unexpected visit from one of my control-freak bridezillas. She constantly asked if I understood the style she wanted, or if it'll be finished soon, or if she should just change the idea of the dress all together. Women these days. Can't live with them, can't li- ah who am I kidding? We can't live with them period. And I know, I'm being hypocritical since I do have a vagina. But even I can't stand myself sometimes. I inwardly laughed at that.

I was rushing to Harding Inc. with two hot Starbuck's coffees stack on top of one another in one hand and the latest Vogue magazine in the other. All the while carrying my designing bag full of sketches and needles. I rushed through the front door and greeted Mrs. Halbot, the receptionist, and quickly got into the elevator before it closed.

I waited patiently for the red numbers to change to 18, and once I reached my stop, I got out still balancing the scolding coffee. I walked past the hundreds of cubicles occasionally greeting people as they walked past, and I was just about to reach for the door handle of the room that was labeled CEO but then heard a loud crash.

Ooh. That doesn't sound good.

I opened the door and casually strolled in and sat in one of the leather plush chairs.

"Hey Viv."

"Rich, how ya doin?" I said care freely.

"I've been better." And with that he turned his attention back to the leggy blonde by the door.

"Oh, so Vivian walks in, and you have all the time in the world to talk to her." she spat while glaring daggers at me. I just glared back. I never liked Tiffany-Tara- no it was Tracy.

"That's enough. I've already told you, Viv is helping design the clothing for the Winter Ball. So there's no need to drag her into this." he said strictly.

"Helping with the ball huh? Funny, because she seems to be around even when there isn't a event for the company. I've had enough of this Richard! What's it gonna be: Me or your precious work hours with Vivian?"

"No need to say my name with so much emphasis, Tracy. I'm flattered really." I smiled at her.

"It's Tinsley!" she screeched. I cowered at the sound of her rooster like voice. She turned towards Richard.

"Well?" she said expectantly. Without a word, he got up and walked right past her. Only to open his door and gesture for her to leave.

"Are you serious?!"

"Dead serious." I shivered at the sound of his deep voice. Gosh, it gets me everytime.

Well, Tinsley stormed out of the room, and Richard silently closed the door behind her. He walked back over to his desk and slumped down in his seat.

"Geez, that woman's a hand full." He raked his hands through his curly brown hair. I handed him his coffee, and smiled sympathetically.

"Maybe if you settled down then this wouldn't be a problem, Richy."

He scoffed, "Settle? With who exactly oh smart one. I can only tolerate two women. And those women being my mother, and you."

"Like I'd ever be with you in that way." Because you probably don't even want me like that.

"You never know, Viv. You're an attracive women, and I'm an attractive man." he winked playfully, his icy blue eyes sparkling. Oh, I wish.

"So what look are you going for exactly?" I asked Richard as we walked down to the break room.

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