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Chapter One


“THE EYE OF THE TIGER IS THE DREAM OF THE FIGHT” Was the first thing I heard in the early hours of the morning. I yawned loudly, and maybe a bit too over-reactively. I threw my phone at the wall, which was my usual morning wake-up routine, it quickly stopped blasting the well-known motivational song. I looked at the digital clock which was sitting on my nightstand, 5:30AM was written in flashing green lights. I guess it’s time to get up and get ready for work. The fact that I had a late night last night did not help- At all. By late night I mean me and my friends hung out in my flat drinking alcohol and having a laugh.

   Why did I have to wake up at 5:30 on a Saturday morning may you ask? Because I had the misfortune of getting one of the early morning shifts at a minimum wage job. I work at McDonalds and I have to be there by 6:15 to open the place up. And no, that  is not my official job, I’m a college student actually, so I’m on student funds, which basically means that I get money for going to college, but no it doesn’t stretch very far that’s why I took this job up. My parents would be happy to give me money, but I’m a bit umm… overly-independent, so I won’t take anything I don’t deserve basically. I’m studying law at college, I have NO idea how though, at school I was unbelievably dim, I guess I just sparked up in my last year of high school.

   I stood up opening my eyes to the blinding light of the sun that was coming from the window. I walked into the sitting area to find my flat-mate and close friend- Saph, which is short for Sapphire lying on the couch snoring away in her dreams, on the floor was her boyfriend Oliver.

    I was incredibly jealous of Saph, she had the body of a goddess, and the face of a vogue model, but she wasn’t exact the brightest spark ever; she also has the perfect boyfriend. She’s studying photography and modelling- which is definitely a good choice for her. She has long blonde hair which reaches the top of her bum, her skin is quite pale, but in a nice way, she’s at least 6”3 and her figure is to-die for.


    I threw a pillow at her hoping it might wake her up, but no; all it did was cause her to roll over and snore louder than she already was. I groaned and walked over to the breakfast bar and made a bowl of cornflakes. After munching on them loudly I walked over to my room and saw the mess that was there, I groaned before throwing a bunch of clothes that were laid across my bed to the corner of my room where the other piles of unwanted un-washed clothes were put. I walked towards my wardrobe and sleepily opened the door to see a wardrobe full of clothes, but sadly most of them weren’t even mine, they were Saph’s, I steal her clothes and she steals mine, that’s just what we do. I grabbed my blue woolly jumped and some basic skinny jeans. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before walkig out of my room again to see the lazy couple snoring away in our living area, I rolled my eyes then walked out the door into the halls, nobody was awake-obviously it was so early in the morning. I walked down the never-ending stairs, since I hate going down the elevator, nor up it either. I get extremely claustrophobic, like you would not believe. 

   "And they say she's in the class A team..." I hummed an Ed Sheeran song. I kept humming it until I reached the bottom of the stairs. I hopped at the last step, just to show how child-like I act when I’m alone. I walked out of the building and saw my usual view of the streets, the streets of London definitely weren’t amazing, well not from my point of view anyway, I had seen this view every morning of my life… OK more like the last 9 months, but honestly between work, the lectures and all that crap it feels like FOREVER, now that I think about it it’s been a while since I moved from Wales to London, yes I’m welsh, and yes I speak welsh, and before you ask; no I was not raised on a farm and I don’t obsess over sheep okay?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2013 ⏰

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