Ike/Firkle: Holidays

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"Aw!" Ike groaned he was on the livingroom floor.

"Sh." Kyle hushed.

"Aw aaugh!"



"Ike, shhh! The game is on."

He moved his head towards Kyle. His expression sad and annoyed.

"There are gonna be football games on all week." Then before Kyle could respond he returned to staring at the ceiling.


"Okay fine Ike. Be like that. But pull yourself together before I have to take things into my own hands." He got up from the couch and headed upstairs.

Firkle was sleeping in again; this was the sixth time Michael had checked up on him, everytime not saying a single word. This time he put a hand on his forehead it was almost 5:30, maybe he was sick.

The goth's eyes popped open. "What are you doing?" He stared at him with death in his eyes, Michael smiled.

"Making sure you live to see Thanksgiving. What have I told you about taking off your make up before bed. You're going to break out."

"Seems more like Pete problem. I've never had a pimple." Michael took a seat on his bed, Firkle groaned trying to cover his head with his blanket but Michael wouldn't budge.

"Have you thought about who you're spending Thanksgiving with?" Now he really wished he could cover his head. Spending Thanksgiving with Ike sounded so sweet but now it made his heart ache. Spending any time at all with that woman just made his stomach turn. He looked at Michael with a frown.

"Why can't I just spend it with you." Michael sighed going for a smile but couldn't shake off the nerves.

"I never said you couldn't stay. I just thought it may be a little weird with both Henri and me inviting our parents over."

He made a gagging sound. "Why would you do that? They're all a bunch of conformists. Besides you two aren't even really a couple you're always on and off."

"Not after Thanksgiving." He fiddled with his jacket pockets for a few seconds. He showed him a little box and Firkle laughed.

"You're proposing?"

"No! God no. I don't think I'll ever be ready for that. It's a promise ring with a purple topass." Firkle's face was hard to read.

"What, bad idea?"

"Uh, no. It's just... I don't know, surprising." Michael smiled big.

"Yeah I want to make a good impression."

"And I would ruin that." He pointed out. Michael sighed again.

"No, I just don't want you to be bored with us when you have so many other people you can have fun with. I don't want you feeling left out and all the while wanting to be anywhere else or dead." Firkle looked down. So many people? When was the last time he had talked to 'the goths' or Ike's friends, and admitting he had lost Ike again was too much. Maybe he could discourage Michael enough to not invite his parents.

"So... How are you going to impress them when you don't even have a job?" He expected him to hesitate when answering but Michael smiled again creeping Firkle out.

"That's my next surprise." He removed his jacket and spun around. Firkle was unimpressed with the Food4Little uniform. "I'm finally taking ownership for my actions. It took a while but I want to be with Henri... God that sounds so conformist even coming from me."

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