Chapter 1 - The Meeting

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Courtney's POV
I can't believe that day has come. My first day at a new school. I can't believe it. I can't wait to see all the new cute boys. "COURTNEY, YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE", my mom yells. I shuffle down the stairs, grabbing my backpack on my way out. "It's gonna be fine", my mom says to me. "I'm not nervous", I say, "I just wanna make some friends. Hopefully some of the are cute". "Oh Courtney. You and your boys", she says to me. I grab my bag from the back seat and start to make my way to my first class. I hear the bell ring and students start shuffling. "Oh god", I think to myself. I look down at the paper. It says A-9. Crap, I'm at the C buildings. That's gonna take forever. All of a sudden I hear a deep raspy voice. It was British. All I could think was why is there a British guy at an American high school. "You lost, love?", he said to me. "Oh no, I was just heading out", I say in my awkward voice. I turn around and to see the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. Oh wow, I think to myself, he's so hot. "Your the new kid, right? Cause I've never seen you before", he says. "Yeha I'm Courtney. What's your name?". Oh god. I'm being social and I'm sweating so much. Wearing black ripped jeans and a black long sleeve shirt wasn't a great idea. "I'm Brad", he says in his British accent. Oh boy I love guys with British accents. "What's your first class?" Brad asks. "It's A-9 with Mr. Mosey. What about you?", I asked. "Looks like we're headed to the same class", he says. Oh no. Does this mean I have to walk with him? I'm not good at this, someone help me.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm so excited! This is my first story and sorry if it's horrible. I hope you guys are ready. It's gonna get dirty soon. I promise.

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