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According to Emma Watson, "Hermione" isn't pronounced "her-my-nee", but is actually pronounced "her-my-oh-nee".

J. K. Rowling said she planned moments such as Ginny beating Cho to the Snitch to show that Ginny was a better match for Harry.

In the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, Tom Felton had a wax model of him that was 1/3 his size so when Hagrid picked up Draco after being attacked by Buckbeak, he would appear much smaller than the half-giant.

Kate Winslet was considered and offered the role of Helena Ravenclaw. The role was rejected by Winslet's agent before she even knew about it.

When Harry and Ron went to meet Malfoy for the Midnight Duel in the Sorcerer's (Philosopher's) Stone book, Hermione only tried to stop them because she truly didn't want them to get expelled.

Slytherin is the first and last House mentioned in the Harry Potter series.

There's no 100% Pureblood wizard. Every wizard family has at least a muggle or two in their heritage. Some families just prefer to pretend they're 100% pure and claim themselves as Purebloods.

A movie mistake in Goblet of Fire is during the Welcoming Feast at the beginning of the school year when Dumbledore is explaining the two schools that would be joining Hogwarts that year. Mr. Filch runs in to speak to Dumbledore and Filch passes Ron twice.

Sirius' birthday is November 3rd.

After spending about three years away from his family, Percy Weasley spent only a few minutes with Fred before his death.

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