Author's note

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Hey! This is my first time writing on wattpad, however not my first time writing a story. This story will contain religious and supernatural thematic, thus I ask for discretion and tolerance. Also, I do not mean to offend, generalize, or discriminate any type of religious belief. If you happen to come across a spelling or grammatical error feel free to let me know and I will try to fix it. Leaving that aside, I apologize for my sucky cover. I do not have the programs or the skills for graphic design 😢 but I promise my writing skills are better. Please give this story and it's author a chance. I am not expecting my story to become famous or anything of the sort. I enjoy writing and will be happy by knowing that at least one person is enjoying my writing too. With that said hope you like the story. Happy Reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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