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One day. Two adventures where wondering the world when suddenly they both recieve a letter saying "dear Gatsu/Jake, our village needs your help! Yours trully, The Presedent of America."

The two quickly rushed to the town to see what was going on but by the time they arrived, the town was already Destroyed. They searched the town before finding eachother in the town Centre. They looked at each other with Distrusting eyes, They start to walk towards each other.

Gatsu curiously  says "Who are you, what are you doing in this town?"

Jake Asks the same, then they both answer with the same answer

They say at the same time "I received a letter from the owner of this town"

Both eager to find out what happend to the town they Teamed up to find out who did this.

Jake Says "my names jake by the way"

Gatsu says "Hey im Gatsu, so any ideas of what happend here?"

Jake replies "bandit Raid or war."

They set out to find out but little did they know, they where being watched but what was watching them?

(After 4 months of Searching) Jake "maybe they did it themselfs... its possible"

Gatsu "yeah i guess so"

Jake then goes to ask gatsu somthing

Jake says "Gatsu do you wanna go... have dinner... with me?"

Gatsu replies alittle shocked "uhhh sure why not"

They both head to a local Bar and after an hour they heard a woman screaming they both ran out to see whats going on. To both of there astonishment it was the Dark army, the evil army who attack any thing in its path.

As they raid the town and burn the city to the ground Gatsu and jake try to stop the by going for there leader. The bell tower -burning in the inside- starts to colapse.

Jake sees the tower and gatsu is stood right under it, so he runs, grabs her and jumps out the way. both down in the dirt, look into each others eyes, their faces slowly go close to each other untill there lips meet. after finishing kissing they stand up realizing that the battle was over and they had lost they sneaked out of the village and up into the woods. Jake and a few of his friends started to rebuild the city, while jake and gatsu decided to build there own little cabin up in the woods and settle down. They grew there farms and had alittle baby girl, they both decided a name for the little girl and they named her, Yui. After all of that they realized there adventure was over but yui's had only just began.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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