Simulation Cube

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"Hey y/n!"
You look up from your phone to see glitchiplier in the door way, struggling to close the door.
"Oh, hey glitch." You say, smiling. Suddenly, you notice the black box he's clutching tight to his chest. "Uh, what's that?" You say as you point in curiousity.

Fumbling with the keys, he manages to close the door and walks off into his room.
"Not much." He replies casually.
You leap up from the couch, and follow him.
"You can't just bring something in and not tell me." You say, pouting. "Fine, fine." He responds and sits down on his bed. "Ok, well this is a 'simulation cube', and I've had it programmed for me to be the central admin."

You walk over and occupy the space to his left. "Go on, continue." You urge him.
"Well," he continues. "I can go 'into' it, if that makes sense. Since I'm a glitch, I can infect the box and control it from the inside." "Ooh," You reply. "What if I went into it?"
He looks you straight in the eye, with a serious expression on his face. "Y/N, please don't even try to do so. You're living matter, so I don't think you'll survive long in there." His expression then softens a little, and you try to reply back but can't find the right words.

"Welp," you say, standing up. "I've gotta go and get ready."
You begin to walk out until glitch says "Wait." You turn around to meet his gaze. "Where you going?"
"I'm going out with Dark, just for a bit." You replied. His eyes flashed, both scleras turning red instead of normal red and blue, showing signs of anger which quickly flooded out to be replaced with sadness.

"Oh...ok." He says, looking down. You fully turn around to face him properly. "Glitch, look at me."
He lifts his head to meet your eyes and you can clearly see the sadness in him. You walk over to him, and hold his hands.
"I won't be gone for long. Just remember, I love YOU Glitch, not Dark." You say reasurringly. He smiles a little and you smile back, then leave to get ready.
"He better not." Dark growled.
Ok! So that's part 1 of the whole story •~• I hope it's alright and you're enjoying it, feedback and opinions would be nice too >~< I"ll try to update this as much as possible, but I procrastinate a lot so we'll see~

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