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"I did it, I had to help her, she didn't give me a choice..." Clarke says
"Help Lilly  how?" Bellamy asked, his voice suddenly low and dangerous.
"I... She begged me to make the pain go away. She asked me-" Clarke sniffed and wiped her nose with the back of her hand, nervous to tell Bellamy the dark secret she'd been carrying on for to long, the secret she'd never forget herself about. "To help her die." Bellamy's face turned dark and suddenly it changed, Clarke could feel her stomach twist as she recognized the face she'd seen so many times, the face on the only person who knew the Clarke. Lilly.

"Shhh, Clarke it's okay I'm right here."
Clare's eyes snapped open, she was laying on a blanket on the ground.
"Thank god you are okay. I was pretty worried about you, when I found you I actually thought you were dead," Bellamy said while studying Clare's face with an emotionless expression "when I brought you back to camp everyone was gone, so I took you out here instead."
"Bellamy where are we? And what the hell happened?"
Clarke asked, as she shaked of an awful picture of what might've happened.
When she forced herself up into a sitting position she felt a strange pain in her left leg.
"hey, you should probably lay down again princess,-" Bellamy said,  "you hurt your leg quite a bit earlier." He grinned, but Clarke could notice the dark circles under his eyes, it looked like he hadn't slept in days.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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