Before we start.

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Imagine him shorter with black hair and a couple tattoos.

There are a couple things I need to clear up as well.

Number one-
Jameson's name is pronounced James son.

You know like when your mom is annoyed with you and calls your name then adds son (only happens when your a guy).

She says "(fill in your name) son".

Well it's like she is saying James son. But it's his name. You get me? You don't? oh well just read it over and over till you under stand.

Number two- I AM NOT STILLING NAMES. I honestly hate people being 'oh that's so and so's name so you can use it' I mean there are like billions of people in the world people share names all the time.

Like I could understand if I had just finished reading The Good Girls Bad Boys: The Good, The Bad, And The Bullied by rubixcube89201 then right away started writing a book about four guys names Bennett Declan Jordan and Raymond an a girl named Naomi I would understand then.

But being honest with you I have more then 300 books on this one account. I ,have like three (it's complicated).

So yea I got both names Dakota and Jameson.

You want me to tell you were? yea, well ok.

I got Dakota from disarming Dakota an Jameson from my roommate the sex god.

Number three- this is a boy on boy book also known as boyxboy.

Now just saying this right now DON'T READ THIS BOOK IF YOUR HOMOPHOBIC!!!! I have warned you.

Also you don't have to agree with someone being gay but still...

Like Christians think that being gay is a sin. It is (to me I am Christian). But what most of us don't notice that so is hating gay or lesbian people.

God has said to love thy neighbor. That doesn't just mean the people tht live beside you.

He means EVERYONE.

he is saying love everyone. If there red, or yellow, or black, or white, gay, or lesbian, whatever!

Love them you don't have to like them but love them!

Right um... *clears throat awkwardly rubs hands together slowly looking around* sorry bout that ladies and gentlemen.

Number four- I have not edited this story will not start till after it is done and I am bored one day.

I get bored all the time.

Also I don't live in a house where I have wifi.
So my updates will be when ever I get wifi.

I have it at least once a week.

Also I'm only 14 so yes I do get grounded A LOT.

So that means the first thing to go is my I pod (yep I ain't gots no phone) which means there will be times that I won't update for a couple weeks or so.

Number five- "hi" this means there talking with actual words.

'Hi' This means there signing.

Hi this mean there writing

Hi this means there texting.

Number six- I'm writing this book with a friend named Eric. He has his own account but I can't member what it's called.but he will probably have this up on his to so don't be all like there's someone writing a book that's like word for word your book. Cause it's the same book so yea.

(It's thatkidinacorner -Eric)

Last subject- I plan to create a new account soon to be my normal one because my iPod is going to break anytime soon and I can't remember what my password is.

I made this account over a year ago an honestly have no idea what the password is.

So I will hopefully be getting a new iPod before this one breaks so I can like make a part telling you we're I will be continuing the story and will probably delete the original.

Um yep I think that is all.


- toni

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