One Direction Bit Me! Contest Submission

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"Amber, we're gonna be late hurry up," he said. He knows I don't like being rushed so why does he bother rushing me?

"I'm almost done, just give me a second," I answered in a strained tone.

He's been like this for a while. It's like he's stressed and always in a hurry. Honestly, he's been making me very anxious..

"Amberia! I said hurry up! I'm getting impatient with you!" he barked.

I shot down the stairs at lightning speed and got in his face.

"You will not talk like that. I'm your girlfriend. Keep this up I'll be your ex-girlfriend," I said in a chilling tone.

He was taken aback by my outburst. I've never had to tell him stuff like that before. Our relationship has  basically been perfect. It's only been on the rocks since a while ago.

"What are you hurrying me for anyway? Us getting there exactly on time isn't going to determine anything serious so please let me take my time to get ready. Okay?"

His eyes turned very cold but they soon softened, "ok, but can you not take as long as you would like?" he said using a kinder way to promote his intention.

"Yes babe I can," I smiled and pecked him on the lips. I rushed back up the stairs. Once I was finished I walked down the staircase. He was smiling up at me as I descended.

"You look wonderful Amber," he said with adoration in his eyes.

I blushed, "why thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." I said examining him. He was dressed very elegant for just an evening out. There was no occasion was there? His birthday? Mine? Our anniversary? Nope, nothing rang a bell. So what was going on? I blew it off as he started rushing me toward the door.

He was such a gentleman as he opened the passenger door for me. I waited patiently as he slowly walked around the car to get in. He stopped to check his jacket for something. My blood began to boil. For someone who was rushing me, he was sure taking his own damn time. When he got in he smiled at me but I returned it with a scowl. His eyebrows rose in confusion.

"Don't ever rush me again, understand?"


"Shut up! And why the hell are you calling me by my real name?" For a moment the thought crossed my mind and tears developed in my eyes. "Y-you're going to break up with me aren't you?"

He opened his mouth to say something but he quickly closed it. I tried getting into his head but he pushed me out. He never pushed me out of his head even when he was mad at me. I can't believe he's doing this to me. What have I done for him to go to such elaborate lengths to end our relationship? This wasn't his character. It was cruel beyond my comprehension.

The car ride was as silent as the tears were running down my face. When we arrived at our favorite restaurant the tears flowed even more freely and a sob escaped my throat. He looked at my with something hidden in his eyes.

"Let's not have everyone see you crying like that. Put on a smile."

I gaped at him. "You're kidding me right," my voice cracked.

"Amber please."

I simply nodded not trusting my voice this time. I dried my tears and got out of the car. He took my hand and I felt a physical pain in my chest. But nonetheless, I smiled as we entered the restaurant and I spotted our friends. They all looked so happy to see us. If only they knew what was really going on. Their bright smiles made me want to break down but he squeezed my hand reminding me to keep my composure.

As if the night wasn't bad enough, he ended up ordering everything he did the first time we came here. He was all smiles while I wished I was anywhere but here. Maybe even dead perhaps.

The soft tapping of silverware on glass interrupted my thoughts and I looked up to see that he was standing as if he wanted to address something.

"Everyone I have an announcement to make," all eyes were on him as he looked like he just won the lottery. Please just stop now. Break up with me privately.

"As you all know Amberia and I have been together for almost three years now. Those three years have been the best three years of my life. I have a dilemma at hand. You see, Amber means a lot to me and that has to change...." I couldn't believe he was really doing this. My eyes were beginning to sting and I needed to excuse myself before I lost it. He was still talking but I couldn't hear anything. The only sound I could hear was the sound of my blood rushing in my ears. His eyes were aglow while I was here being the victim to a sick joke.

".....That's why I want her to mean everything to me." He took my hand and stood me up for everyone to see. He then proceeded to get on one knee and held a little black box in his hand. He opened the box to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. The rock was huge!

"Amberia Purt will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he asked and as soon as the question left his lips the girls squealed.

They all yelled in unison, "Amber say yes!" I couldn't register it. My eyes filled with tears once more and I couldn't stop them this time. He stared into mine with so much love and adoration I forgot what he asked me.

"Sparrow, will you marry me?"

I couldn't get my voice above a whisper but I knew he heard as well as everyone else at our table.



Seems really cliché but I really liked the idea. I don't really have much to say but Lilly I hope you really like this little one shot.

LOL plot twist I'm not even Team Zayn!!!

K I'm done, bye !


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