He's my Forever ... Chapter 4

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I could tell I was late. As I walked up to the school doors it felt like eternity climbing up the steep stairs. Like I was climbing a mountain. I felt a little bit of anxiety building up from being nervous.

"I can do this, I can do this!"

I opeaned the door and was welcomed by pure silence.....

I looked both ways down the hall way I entered.. Nothing...

Just then I heard a loud bell and next thing I knw a swarm of students showed up out from every door there was. Every stairwell, every corner, they were EVERYWHERE.

Big ones, little ones, perky ones, goth ones they just swallowed me in their school ... I felt overwhelmed. And for a moment I felt claustrophobic.

I ran to the nearest stairwell I could find and hid until I heard the bell for everyone to be in their right class. It felt like I was sitting there longer than I should have been. I didnt move.

Then something in me told me to get up. I scouted out from beneath the stairs, so worried about not getting any dust on me I wasnt even paying attention to the fact that someone was walking towards me.

I went to turn arund and ran into something ice cold and hard.

"Ouch dammn wall !"

"I wouldn't call me that" he just about chuckled.

I couldnt even look up I was so mesmerzed by his voice. The way his voice sounded as if he was a God who was not meant for this earth. The way his laugh sounded so perfect, that no other sound could even compare to the way it made my heart stop.

Slowly my eyes risen to see where this beautiful sond was coming from. And they met him.

He had brown tossled hair that looked perfect the way he wore it messy. Beautiful big blue eyes that matched the crescent charm around his neck. He wore a black V-neck and blue jeans. And his shoes were boots that looked like they could belong to a rockstar.


There was no words that could describe him. His voice did his face, or his body any wonders. He was gorgeous, he was magnificent.

"Do you need help up Sweetheart?" His voice disrupted my mind boggliing thoughts.

"Umm, uh. I'm Jamie !" I felt stupid as I realized he didn't ask my name.

He laughed "Well its nice to meet you Jamie, you seem a little clumsy if you ask me."

"Comes along with the life I guess." I blushed cursing myself for not looking as to where I was going.

"What were you doing coming from under the stairs anyways?" he asked me puzzled.

"Uhh, well I , you see I walked in the building at the wrong time. I came in right when the bell rang and that's when your fellow students decided to trample me like it was a sale on Black Friday" I explained sounding like a lost little girl.

Next thing I knw I hear him burst out laughing.

"What's so funny ?" I was a little mad that he was laughing at my excuse like I sounded stupid. But just as soon as I was mad I felt my heart yearn to hear his laughter as if it needed it to beat.

"You, you are pretty little, and just imagine you getting overwhelmed by all the ppl who's so much bigger than you. Your face so would have been priceless."

I just gave him a small smile, realizing if I stayed too long I lose all train of thoughts and forget my purpose in life.

"Uh I gotta go, um, what you say your name was ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2011 ⏰

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