Wedding Day: Part 1

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Jack had proposed to Stormy when they went to Vidcon. He didn't want a lot of attention so he did it when they were alone. They were in different room where there was only a couple of chairs and a table. He was sure that he was in love. He thought she was perfect. But Mark and his friends knew the truth about her. She was only using him for attention and fame. She didn't really love Jack. She told Mark to get away from him when Jack was at a signing. She even made Jack turn on his friends. Stormy had told Jack that they were being mean to her and talking shit about her. He stopped talking to all his friends and seemed less energetic and even happy in his videos. He was trying to act like always but he needed his friends. He was thinking about connecting with his friends again but was stopped by Stormy which manipulated him into thinking that they hated him. He didn't want to believe it but it just took over his mind and he was sure that they probably hated him and didn't want to talk to him ever again. Mark loved him but didn't know how to admit it to Jack. He couldn't reach him in any way because he knew Jack wouldn't answer him. 3 months later he had received an invitation to their wedding. He knew it was going to happen since he had seen Jack propose to him at Vidcon. But he wasn't expecting to be invited since everyone knew Signe hated him. Why were they doing this to him. Did Signe just want to make Mark suffer or did Jack want to invite Mark because he was his friend. He needed to know if any of his other friends had been invited. He called Bob, Wade and Felix. They were all invited and were as confused as Mark was. He asked if they were going. All of them decided to support Jack with whatever he did. Even if they knew he was making a mistake, the last thing they wanted to do is leave him when he needed it. Mark decided that he was going to go to the wedding and nothing was going to stop him.


~6 months later~

The wedding was today. Although he was kind of doubtful about going in the end he had to go and support Jack. He had a plan. He wasn't able to sleep most of the night and had only gotten 2 hours of sleep. He actually couldn't sleep much for the past week. Most days he would only sleep 3-4 hours every night. He seemed different in his videos. His subscribers had noticed and were asking him if he was alright. He only answered with the fact that he was a little stressed due to the wedding but that it was no big deal. The day was today and he hated the fact that Jack was oblivious to what Stormy was doing. He didn't want to bring any attention to himself but he knew it would have to happen if he was going to save Jack. Mark was going to tell Jack about his true feelings. About how he loved him and he wanted to spend everyday with him and how he missed his smile. If Jack wouldn't listen to him then that would be his loss. Jack decided to have the wedding in California since that was his favorite place to be in besides rainy, old Ireland. He also knew that would be the easiest way to get everyone he invited to the wedding. Mark was walking to the wedding instead of going in a car because there had been a lot of traffic and the place wasn't too far away. According to the time it took to walk to the church, he would be there 20 minutes early so he could easily find his friends before the wedding started. He would've even had time to talk to Jack.

He was halfway there when it had happened. He was attacked by 3 men in all black and one of them had a knife. He knew exactly who had done this. Signe probably found out that I was coming to the wedding and wanted me out of the way. She would make me look bad and even get rid of me so that she never had to worry about me again.

Two of the men had punched him to the ground and were now holding him down and kicking him. He was trying to fight back but since he hadn't been eating most of the week and had barely gotten any sleep he wasn't able to. He felt miserable like he couldn't do anything right. To make matters worse the third guy with the knife had made little cuts down his back and made a big cut down his stomach. The cut was deep and could probably be the end of his life. The three men had ran away and left him to die in the middle of the street. There was nobody to help him so he knew he had to help himself. He had grabbed his black blazer and tried to put pressure on the big wound. The slices on his back weren't as bad and would be okay. He tried to walk and continue to the church. After about 10 minutes his vision had began to get blurry. The church was only 5 minutes away but he was having trouble walking and even seeing where he was going. He continued to put pressure on the wound but if he didn't get help immediately he would be in trouble. He was late to the wedding but he wasn't worried about that. He needed help and fast. He tried to run but he was soon stopped by the pain that suddenly came.

15 minutes had passed and he was so close to the church. His vision was beyond blurry and he could barely walk but he heard the priest and that gave him hope that he could be saved. He knew Jack was very good at First aid and he remembered how he joked about Jack becoming a doctor before he was with Stormy. He remembered all the good times they had together.


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