Wild Child

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Chapter 1 : How It All Started

~ Flashback ( Fifth Grade )~

"Ow it hurts "! The little brown eyed girl yelled as her mother braided her hair back into a ponytail and securing it with a black elastic . "Stop whining your almost finished "! The middle aged women yelled back . The little girl pouted and crossed her arms over her chest . "Why aren't you getting Liam ready like me ". She argued back . "Because first Liam is older than you and second because he's a boy "! The mother irritably shot back .

The little girl rolled her eyes earning her a slap in the arm . "Owwww "! She whined . The mother let out an exasperated sigh and quickly finished her hair . "There go eat breakfast ". "No I don't want to dress like this "! She screeched . "What's wrong with our outfit "? The little girl cocked an eyebrow and looked at her mother like she had grown a third head . "You look pretty ". The mother reasoned . The little girl stared down at her clothes . A white tank top underneath a beige rose flower print long sleeved sweater ,beige slip ons ,and a light pink skirt . "I look like a idiot "! She shouted .

"Who taught you that "?! The mother screeched . "Dad ". She nonchalantly replied and ran downstairs into the kitchen and seen her brother and his little blue eyed friend eating cereal . "Hey Lili ". She said batting her eyelashes and taking a seat beside them . "What's with all the screaming "? "Mom dressed me into this ". She signaled towards her clothes . The little boy chuckled along with his friend . "You look pretty what kind of cereal do you want "? He asked stepping down from his stool.

"Cocoa puffs ". He nodded and took out a bowl and served her the breakfast . "Here you go ". He said handing her the cereal . She thanked him and started eating . "So are you excited for your first day of school "? The little blue eyes boy asked hoping to make conversation . "I guess it will be the first time I'm with other people rather than being homeschooled ". She replied honestly .

"You'll love it there's just certain people you can't hang out with like Zayn and...... " The little boys eyes widened and his mouth clamped shut after realizing he said too much . "Whose Zayn "? The little girl asked curiously . Her older brother shot his friend a death glare and immediately stiffened at his name . "Someone you don't need to know just don't hang out with him understood "? She nodded but something about that made her stomach twist knowing something happened .

She ran up the stairs and into the bathroom to brush her teeth while she didn't know the conversation happening downstairs . "Listen Louis make sure Ocean only talks to me and you she can't trust anyone else understood ? And make her stay away from Zayn ". The little friend agreed in pure fright and quieted as soon as they heard the little sister descend down the stairs with her Spider-Man back pack . They smiled at her as if nothing had even happened .

"Lets go to school "! She excitedly shouted at them . They nodded and walked out the front door to school .

The school was only a block away from home and arrived there in matter of time . They walked through the front doors of the school and everyone immediately quieted . All life seemed to be sucked out . Everyone just stared at the three of them and no one dared to move . The two boys quickly pushed the little girl through the hallway and into the classroom where everyone was already seated .

Mr.Pines eyes turned into a dark shade staring at the two demons before him who evilly smiled and an innocent girl who looked pure . What was she doing hanging around with them ? He thought ." Late as usual Mr. Payne and Tomilson ". He coldly replied . The little sisters face contorted into anger because she hated when her brother was judged . "The bell hasn't even rung check your watch Mr.Pine ". She replied with the same tone . The class hushed and stared at her .

The teacher was surprised at her attitude thinking she was nice . "And you are "? He asked checking the clipboard with names . "Ocean Payne ". The teachers heart stopped beating . She was related to the devil . "Of course that's where you come from lucky for you three there are three empty seats right in the front row ". He sinisterly replied and walked back to the front of the classroom .

She rolled her eyes and took a seat in the middle ,Louis took the seat to the right of her, and her brother to the left . "As I was saying before this is your last year here before you all go to junior high so make sure to give it all your ...." He was once again interrupted when the door slammed open and two boys walked in .

One boy with green eyes and brown curly hair and another one with tanned skin and hazel eyes . "Mr . Malik and Styles why are you late "? The teacher snapped making Ocean smirk . "Thought of ditching but were forced to come to class ". The boy with tanned skin replied cooly . "Mr. Styles and Mr. Malik switch seats with Liam and Louis and the two of you sit in the third row ". Liam's eyes widened in horror .

"No I like the front ". Liam calmly replied . "Liam . Back .Now ". The teacher said through clenched teeth . "Why don't you just shut your pie hole Pines "? Ocean seethed back . The class hushed and whispers erupted . "You've only been in school for ten minutes and I've grown tired of you now shut up ! " Pines yelled .

Ocean rolled her eyes . "Everyone get in your seat now "! The teacher roared and everyone scurried into assigned seats . Harry took Louis' place and Zayn took Liam's seat. "Eww another Payne in the ass ". Zayn whispered testing her nerves . "Eww another Malik ". She replied. "Whatever bet that your just another freak like him who only has one friend and ......" "Listen here you self absorbed prick talk about my brother one more time and I will kick your ass ". She whisper yelled .

Zayn smiled victoriously planning the day ahead of her .


As soon as the bell rang signaling lunch everyone ran to the cafeteria . Everyone seemed afraid of the girl and no one I mean no one talked to her except for Louis and Liam . Liam already had gotten his lunch and she was left alone in line with Louis who were making fun of random bystanders . "Eww talk about pizza faced ". He hollered at the boy .

She chuckled and were soon at the front of the line . They quickly payed for there lunches and walked back to there table when someone shoved her tray of food into her and tripped her making her land face first into the ground. The cafeteria erupted into laughter and her brother was beyond angry . She looked up and seen a boy with brown shaggy hair laughing at her .

She knew better than to cry and got up . "Ass ". She yelled before punching him in the nose . Blood gushed as he screamed in pain . And she liked the way it felt . power . To be more stronger than her opponent . Liam marched over to Zayn's table knowing he had send the boy to trip his sister . "You fucking asshole touch her again and I'll kill you ". He shouted and ran to his sister and friend .

The three of them walked out of the cafeteria and that's how the rivalry started . ............................

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2014 ⏰

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