From Ordinary to Odd

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"Hello, welcome to Randy's, how may I help you?" (Y/n) asked in a monotone while she threw in her special fake smile. She had said this line over a million times and it was starting to give her a migraine. The woman looked up at the menu as if to make sure she wouldn't mess up, then said, "I'll take a small order of cheese curds and a one scoop of vanilla, please." (Y/n) ran her order up, "That will be $5.99," The lady handed her the money-extract change-and (Y/n) finished her everyday speech with a, "Thanks, come again." with a smile and began to shout orders at the cooks as she placed the order in the tray.

Next in line was a man. He couldn't hear very well so (Y/n) had to repeat everything she said in a loud tone so the man could hear her. Behind him were a group of teenagers, much like herself, who couldn't figure out who was paying. And after them was a regular who knew exactly what she was doing. (Y/n) even remembered her name.

After that, business wasn't quite so bad. It was slow around one, then slower and slower around two. She wasn't sure why she took the all-day shift, but it wasn't like she had much to do anyway. Her apartment reeked of cigarettes from the neighbors next door, and she wasn't going to sit in a place that smelled like the very thing that killed her dad. But deep down (Y/n) didn't mind, Randy's mostly served coffee, ice cream, and side meals. It could be worse.

Soon, as the elders stopped in for their early supper, a red car parked right outside of the front door. Margo could already hear the words coming out of her mouth, telling whoever the idiot was that they couldn't park there. There even was a sign.

A man stepped out. He had brown hair and some-what of a beard. His expensive sunglasses and suit had the word: douche written all over them. Even his expression as he came through the door gave the impression that he was a total jerk. Even the elder ladies stopped and stared, and (Y/n) could tell what they were thinking, but it was the opposite of her thoughts. Such a handsome young man. Oh, look, he even held the door open for Lucy. Such a gentleman. The young people these days are so advanced. I wish I had a grandson that looked like that!

He let the woman he held the door open for, Lucy, a regular as well, order first. She ordered the same thing she did everyday, and it was brought out to her before she'd finished paying. (Y/n) got ready to growl at the man.

"Hello," She said, adding in a little annoyance to go along with the monotone she had perfected. "Welcome to Randy's, how may I help you?" He thought for a moment, licked his lips, and said, "I'll take the special today. Medium, please." "Sure," (Y/n) said, typing the order in, "That'll be $8.49." He handed her the money without a word. "And just so you know," (Y/n) says as his order is being made, "You can't park your car there. What kind of idiot are you? Just because you have fancy shoes, a fancy car, and fancy sunglasses doesn't mean you get to cheat life. You're just a human as everyone else. Not to mention there's clearly a sign that says in big bolded letters NO PARKING. I won't write you up this time, but if it happens again, I'll have to call security, Mr...." He takes his sunglasses off and that's when (Y/n) recognizes him. Tony Stark. Iron Man. Avenger. She crossed her arms. To (Y/n)'s  surprise, she's not as embarrassed as she thought she'd be. Probably because he's giving her the stink eye.

"You know, no one has ever talked to me like that before." He says. "Maybe someone should," (Y/n) snapped as she checked her watch. Fifteen minutes and she's done for the day. "Just to keep poor little Iron Man in check." His order was finally ready, but to her frustration he doesn't leave. And no one is in line behind him so she's stuck hearing whatever he was to say. "Would you want a job? A better job?" He asks. (Y/n) scoffs, "What? You think working here is crap or something?" He shakes his head, "No, I didn't mean it like that. Just, listen, okay?" (Y/n) released the tension in her shoulders as he continued, "I think I need someone like you to work at Stark Tower. Everyone there listens to me and does what I say perfectly. I think I need someone who actually gives me their opinion. Just think about it, I'll send you an email later tonight." (Y/n) shrugs, letting him know her thoughts go either way. She's definitely interesting, but at the same time it's a little odd. Why would Tony Stark had out a free job to her? "Okay," (Y/n) says, "I'll think about it. But my decision decides on wether or not you're as much of a jerk as I think you are."

. . • . .

As soon as (Y/n) got back from getting her Chinese take-out, her computer dinged. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but she hoped it was Tony.

It was.

She read the email twice, just to make sure she'd read it all;

Hello, (Y/n),
I know you didn't tell me your name, but don't freak out, I didn't stalk you or anything, it was written on your name tag. I would like to interview you tomorrow, just to make sure your as assertive as I thought you were today. I'll only be asking you a few questions. I'll send someone to pick you up at around 4 p.m. if you're interested.

Tony Stark

P.s. I didn't stalk you to get your email or address either. Randy's website needs updating in their protection services, or not have each employee's name for hackers like me to see.

(Y/n) put her hand under her chin, slightly annoyed by how he called himself out so easily. But was she really willing to go through with this? Was she really going to work with some ignorant man? If (Y/n) was honest with herself, she did really need the money. She could herself buy a new apartment, maybe get a car, actually have real food instead of pre-made meals, maybe even fall in love.

But not with Tony, She thought, her brow creasing, Ew.

Her decision was made. She quickly typed her response;

I'm in. See you tomorrow.

Her mind was wide awake with what if scenarios that night. What if he decided he didn't like her? What if she was stuck working at the Randy's the rest of her life? What if she never succeeded like her mother wanted her to? What if......what if Marty came looking for her again?

No, she wouldn't think about that, and she would do a good job. She needed the money more than Tony needed her.

She hoped Iron Man had enough brains to understand.

She finally fell asleep, a game plan already in her mind.

I hope you enjoyed chapter one! I really enjoyed writing this because the characters don't have to be totally nice to each other-it's fun to write two people bickering. Enjoy the story!

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