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January 1, 2015

Emily POV

Once high school started, my life did nothing but suck ass and I've been pretty much alone since. I mean I technically have my parents, but that word doesn't mean much to me.

Honestly, I never really liked people. I always got screwed over and manipulated by other people so I usually try and avoid having friends... that is until she came along. Alison.

I never let anybody break down my walls, but somehow she broke them immediately.  Even the only friend I've had since freshman year couldn't get through right away. But she's different, she's special.

Alison had me figured out at lightening speed. I'm not sure how she did it, but it amazed me beyond belief, and scared me just the same. Especially because I don't know near as much about her as she does about me, I can't seem to figure her out.

She still doesn't know my whole story though, but she knows the most out of anyone else in this world. Unless you count Pepe, my dog.

Pepe is my absolute best friend, he's got all my favorite qualities. First of all, he's not a human, second of all, he's not a human, and third of all, he's not a human. He is the only one who will ever completely love me unconditionally.

I only wish Ali could be the same, but she's a person and like I said before, people do nothing but hurt me. And I couldn't risk the hurt I'd get from her. It would pain me beyond repair.

She knows pretty much everything about me, except for one crucial detail, I'm in love with her.

I am completely and hopelessly head over heels for Alison DiLaurentis and she has no idea. I could never tell her, and I won't. Why would someone with such a beautiful, pure soul ever love a disgusting monster like me? Answer: they wouldn't.

I honestly don't even know why she's friends with me. She has the beauty of Aphrodite and the talent of Athena, whereas all I am is Hades - full of nothing but darkness.

Every day she amazes me with all of her passions for so many different things. Me, on the other hand, well I don't have any passions. I try to just drown myself in school in order to achieve the goal of avoiding everything and everyone. At least I'm achieving something in my fucked up life right?

I admire this girl, but she also intimidates me - yet another reason why I would never want to tell her how I feel. I look into her eyes and I'm mesmerized by their beauty as well as fearful of what may be behind them.

This is a new year though. They say "new year, new me" right? It's cliché I know, but it can also be true.

Yet here I am, thinking about changing but doing nothing about it on the first day of the year. Instead I'm lying in my bed avoiding the loud screams of Pam and Wayne, the so called "parents."

They fight nonstop about every damned thing. Money, jobs, me... a lot about me.

I won't let them get to me this year. No, this year will be different. Everyone will see. Most importantly, Alison will see.

2015 will be my year to start over, my year to change through a much unexpected journey.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So this is a thing 😂

My awesome Emison friends, forever_emison emisonfans Tigerlover625 Drea82581 Jamie-James Call_Me_Chancey  jamia618 encouraged me to write my own fanfic so I thought I'd try it out 😊

Let me know if you guys like it or if it's complete trash lol

Peace out ✌
And remember,
Elijah likes Vagina 👌😂

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