The Biter Awakening Part 1

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The Biter Awakening : The Beginning

Chapter 1- The Beginning

Awakening to the sounds of the town sirens going off is never fun, especially when you are being rushed into a bomb shelter by your best friends doomsday prepper fanatic parents. Here I am clad in only my wife beater top and sleep shorts, luckily I just happened to grab my chucks in time or I would be barefooted as well.

"Hey Betts, you good?" Kellan asked.

"Yeah, I'm fucking fantastic. Nothing like being woke from a great night sleep to end up in a windowless hole with two retards and my favorite asshole. You got any idea what's going on?"

"Just that ma said some military guys were escorting people to camps. Some virus or something, kind of like Nazi Germany."

Oh Lovely, just what I needed, an extended stay with Kellan's parents. They scare the shit out of me. I have a feeling this may end up like the Donner party. Hmm, tasty.

"Betricia, you are going to need better clothes to wear when we go topside, otherwise people may think you're a whore."

Oh, I hate my name Betricia, it's like Patricia with a "B". Kellan's mom, Lorna was a devoted Pentecostal woman. She has always objected to me spending the night with Kellan. Well, who else would I cuddle up with and watch movies with? My boyfriend? Unfortunately , I think not. I can't find a guy who is as weird as me, like Kellan, but who isn't in the friend zone.

"Ma, will ya just leave Betts alone, she looks great now and besides I don't think you're going topside unless you think Satan has decided to show his face!"

Kellan always stood up for me. He is kind of a southern gentleman but with more redneck charm and more manners than a beer drinking hoodlum.

"Kellan James, you are the Satan's child and you socialize with the whore of Babylon. May God save you from Beelzebub's grasp - "

That's when I punched her in the mouth. Kellan's dad Michael just smiled and gave a thumbs up. Yes a KO (Knock out) on my part. I felt like I was in that movie Friday "You got Knocked the fuck out, man!".

"Fuck Betts, what you do that for?"

"Kellan, I am not the whore of Babylon. If we run out of food we kill and eat her first. Second, she was getting on my nerves and third, I have wanted to do that for years. Hell your dad thought it was funny."

We left the bitch to lie there. We could hear that the sirens had stopped so maybe we could go topside for good, clean air.

Kellan's dad made sure we were armed. Kellan with two 9mm handgun's and my sweet self armed with a Katana sword! We rushed the stairs like hell hounds were at our heels. We reached the outer door and slowly opened it up with my small frame hidden by Kellan's 6'2" rippling muscles. The sight that was hidden behind those doors left us speechless. Dozens of mutilated corpses with chunks of flesh missing from various parts, eating soldiers, children, animals and themselves. The stench of rotting flesh and death permeated the air .

Tugging Kellan's Arm, "Kellan, let's go back inside this is nasty and I'm about to hurl", I whispered. Before we could even make it to the door we were spotted by what looked to be a small child with a mutilated skull. Its flesh falling apart as if it was chemically burned. The only thought in my head was kill it before it kills me. All my predatory senses kicked in.

Chapter 2 - Stir Crazy

Kellan stood in awe at the dripping flesh from the child's face. The only thing running through my mind is this reminds me a lot like my favorite zombie novel, Flesh Eating Terror. Kellan still hadn't moved from his spot and this acid faced child was getting closer. Since in my mind I decided Kellan was going to be a girl about everything, I grew a pair of balls that were larger than life and silently stepped in front of him. Without any hesitation, I charged that flesh eating abomination and with one quick slice, I split that bastards head clean down the middle and brain matter flew back at me with the force of the swing. When I was done with the brutality of my kill, I had blood splatter on my clothing and little droplets on my face. I grabbed Kellan's hand and we went back down, locking the door behind us.

The Biter Awakening Part 1Where stories live. Discover now