Request Form / Rules

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If you want to have trailer please for god sake complete the form perfectly with every detail.

>>The book must be already exist on Wattpad and either finished <<

>>You must comment the request over here no matter what happen if you will request on other social account of mine or if you Private  message me I won't  accept it<<

>> Put everything in one comment. If you can't fit it in one then use "reply" on your own comment and add the rest. I won't read you request if it's scattered everywhere<<

---Payment ---

01. Susbsribe to my youtube channel, comment and vote on the videos  Booktrailer Dhoombros or give me and my book shoutout on wattpad and Instagram

02. Give my trailer a Credit on the description of story

03. Vote on my book Daayre :)





Story description :-


Cast:- not more then 4

Character Name:-

Text/Quote:- You want main text or quote in you trailer which don't revel the storyline but still gove interest maximum 4 


Clip/Action(Needed):- For example You want Deepika crying or something like that.

I think basically that's it this is all I want to make an excellent trailer of you.

If you want to have a look of my work you can go and see this trailer which I made for my book called He found light.

Love you all


Dhoombros Book Trailers (Request Close for few days)Where stories live. Discover now